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Run With Own Event Data

Chahat Deep Singh edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

Running Testing Code On Your Own Event Data

Collect Your Own Data

Collect the event data as a ROSBag using the provided event camera driver. We recommend using a newer generation event camera because of better noise performance. We used the Samsung Gen3 DVS but either the CelePixel or the Davis346 or the Prophesee camera.

  • Once the ROSBag is obtained, we need to save these events into a CSV file which can be read by our Matlab script to generate event frames. The ROSBag to CSV conversion script assumes that the events are in this format. Run the Scripts/ script as follows:
python --BagFileName='<Path_to_ROSBag_File>.bag' --TopicName='<ROSTopic_Name>' --WriteFileName='<Path_where_to_SAVE>.csv'

An example is given below:

python --BagFileName='Propellers.bag' --TopicName='/samsung/left/camera/events' --WriteFileName='./EVPropNet.csv'
  • Finally, run the Scripts/CSVToEventFrames.m MATLAB script by changing the FileName variable to the CSV file and BasePath to the folder in which CSV is present in order to obtain the event frames in WriteBasePath.

Now follow the instructions of Running Test Code On Sample data to run the test code on your own data.