Repository overview: This repository holds the data and analysis script for the paper "Cognates are advantaged in early bilingual expressive vocabulary development".
: These sets of scripts generated the cognate lists used in this study.- In our study, we have two cognate lists: (1) a complete list of 537 translation equivalents (131 cognates and 406 non-cognates) and (2) a matched list of 162 translation equivalents (81 cognates and 81 non-cognates) that were matched for part of speech, typical age of acquisition, and word category when possible.
: This documents the exclusion criteria used in this study.- This generates the "exclusions.csv" file in the "data_keepers" folder.
: The raw English CDI data with all the administrations during August 2020 and May 2021.public_clean_cdi_fr.csv
: The raw French CDI data with all the administrations during August 2020 and May 2021.
: List of participants excluded from the final analysis due to failing to meet the study's age/language criteria.public_clean_demog.csv
: The demographic information of the participants.public_keepers_cognate_full.csv
: The final data merged with the complete cognate list (with 537 cognates and non-cognates).public_keepers_cognate_matched.csv
: The final data merged with the matched cognate list (with 162 cognates and non-cognates).
: Data dictionary with information about the data set used in the paper (i.e., public_keepers_cognate_full.csv & public_keepers_cognate_matched.csv).
This folder contains the .Rmd file which runs the analysis and knits the result into a .pdf file.
: The analysis script and content of the paper.CogVocab_paper.pdf
: The final paper.