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Releases: remp2020/remp


23 Jan 13:50
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  • Fixed issue with missing IUserStorage interface caused by removal of a dependency during nette/security update.


23 Jan 13:35
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  • Fixed possible redirect issue after login causing HTTP 404 after successful login. remp/remp#1235


  • Fixed entity and segment group seeder to avoid duplicates in the database. remp/remp#1317
  • Added --force parameter to migration in update-prod make target. remp/remp#1317


  • Changed campaign display rules evaluation to evaluate pageview attributes before including campaign between active campaigns. remp/remp#1302
  • Fixed bug - when copying campaign, removal of assigned segment affected existing campaign segments. remp/remp#1308
  • Fixed reporting unknown country as exception. remp/remp#1314
  • Added --force parameter to migration in update-prod make target. remp/remp#1317


  • BREAKING: Updated monolog/monolog to version ^3.0. remp/remp#1315
    • If any of your extensions rely on monolog, please review your implementation.
  • BREAKING: Updated robmorgan/phinx library to the latest version. remp/remp#1315
    • If you write your own migrations, you might want to test them against an empty DB. Types are now strict and older migrations could be broken if you used incorrect type in the past.
  • BREAKING: Updated latte/latte templating system to version ^3.0. remp/remp#1315
  • BREAKING: Updated nette/mail library to version ^4.0. remp/remp#1315
  • IMPORTANT: Updated Nette's underlying libraries to version ^4.0 (nette/robot-loader, nette/utils). remp/remp#1315
  • IMPORTANT: Updated mailgun/mailgun-php to version ^4.0. remp/remp#1315
  • Fixed possible render time / memory issues on job detail belonging to newsletter list with lots of emails.
  • Changed generator rule for <em> HTML tag - removed new line. remp/crm#3012
  • Changed command order in update-dev and update-prod make targets to clear cache before running other command. remp/remp#1317


  • Added --force parameter to migration in update-prod make target. remp/remp#1317


23 Nov 06:59
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  • Fixed possible redirect issue after login causing HTTP 404 after successful login. remp/remp#1235


We want to thank @pulzarraider for the optimization-related contributions.

  • Fixed search by name on snippets listing. remp/remp#1303
  • Added snippet search to the universal search bar. remp/remp#1303
  • Fixed Campaign's showtime.php crashing if there are no active campaigns.
  • Added campaign collections. remp/remp#1286
  • Added ONE_TIME_BANNER_ENABLED env variable to disable fetching data for one time banners.
  • Added REDIS_PERSISTENT env variable to enable presistent redis connection.
  • Added showtime optimizations for better performance.
  • Fixed routes same name conflict.
  • Added support for Redis PHP extension.
  • Added REDIS_PARAMETER_LIMIT env variable to avoid errors when calling Redis functions with large arrays. remp/remp#1307
  • Added index to created_at and updated_at campaign columns. remp/remp#1286
  • Fixed sorting campaigns by is active column. remp/helpdesk#2231


  • BREAKING: Removed EnvironmentConfig::setParam() and EnvironmentConfig::getParam() methods. remp/remp#1299
    • Use of these could lead to circular dependency issues if values were read by environment config itself.
    • We recommend the extraction of these values to their separate config classes.
  • Fixed circular dependency issue with configs using environment variables. remp/remp#1299
  • Added new parameter start_at into v1/mailer/jobs and v2/mailer/jobs to allow schedule the start of sending. remp/respekt#19
  • Added BeforeUsersDeleteEvent and UsersDeletedEvent events to emit before and after users are deleted. remp/remp#1301


  • Fixed scenario when invalidated token was allowed to be refreshed just to be evaluated as invalid again.
  • Fixed blacklist-related exception if token was blacklisted but the blacklist was not enabled.


03 Oct 13:08
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  • BREAKING: Removed EnvironmentConfig::setParam() and EnvironmentConfig::getParam() methods. remp/remp#1299
    • Use of these could lead to circular dependency issues if values were read by environment config itself.
    • We recommend the extraction of these values to their separate config classes.
  • Fixed circular dependency issue with configs using environment variables. remp/remp#1299


03 Oct 11:36
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  • Added widget group placeholder. remp/remp#1274
    • You can implement your own widget using arrilot/laravel-widgets package and display it at provided placeholder in the view.
  • Added JS tracker parameters canonicalUrl and referer, allowing overriding URL and referer that are being tracked. remp/remp#1297


  • Added visual changes for the overlay two buttons banner - minor button texts are now on separate line.
  • Added ability to target campaign by user system language. remp/remp#1283
  • Added suppressed banners listing to JS console if prioritization is enabled (for easier debugging). remp/remp#1295


  • BREAKING Changed that X-Mailer-Template-Params mail header is no longer sent to SmtpMailer, as it may have contained sensitive information. remp/remp#1296
    • If this header is still required by your implementation, you need to implement a custom SmtpMailer.
  • Added string error code to the Subscribe APIs to differentiate between different 404 scenarios. remp/web#2263
  • Fixed Mailer segment provider users acquiring. Provided segment code needs to be processed before fetching users from database. remp/mnt#114
  • Fixed New template generator form - broken sorting value after. If after was selected, select box was not shown. remp/helpdesk#2073
  • Added command crm:validate-emails to validate all email addresses for users in a given time period. remp/remp#1026
    • You can enable this command in your config.neon if you already defined crmClient service:
              # Enable only if "crmClient" service is available
              - add(Remp\MailerModule\Commands\ValidateCrmEmailsCommand())
    This command directly replaces Remp\MailerModule\Hermes\ValidateCrmEmailHandler handled, which is not necessary if the command is used.


05 Sep 10:32
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  • Fixed Beam's invalid namespaces and routes.


05 Sep 10:25
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  • Fixed Mailer segment provider users acquiring. Provided segment code needs to be processed before fetching users from database. remp/mnt#114


24 Aug 12:18
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  • Removed dockerize from Dockerfiles across the project. It's been replaced by native Docker Compose healthcheck feature.
  • Added Elasticsearch and Telegraf configs directly to their respective Docker images, so there's a default config if one is not provided via volume.
  • Fixed issue with yarn link not being able to link JS packages due to version conflict. remp/remp#1293
  • Added explicit packageManager definition into package.json files so Yarn v3 doesn't complain about outdated lockfile. remp/remp#1294


  • Fixed schedules not being registered for Skeleton application. remp/remp#1292
  • Fixed commands not being available to execute for synchronous web event handlers. remp/remp#1292
  • Refactored system settings configuration so they're available within Beam module and for Skeleton apps. remp/remp#1292


  • Changed asset() function in showtime.php to return absolute URL. remp/remp#1282


  • Removed HermesException for missing mail_sender_id from ValidateCrmEmailHandler. remp/remp#1291
    • This is valid state. It was introduced as fix by commit c2d55b5
  • Added new Mailer segment provider which provides segments of users subscribed to mail types. remp/mnt#114
  • Added check for clicked_at to mail:unsubscribe-inactive-users at all times. remp/novydenik#1115


16 Aug 06:35
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  • Fixed issue with yarn link not being able to link JS packages due to version conflict. remp/remp#1293
  • Added explicit packageManager definition into package.json files so Yarn v3 doesn't complain about outdated lockfile. remp/remp#1294


11 Aug 08:34
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  • Fixed schedules not being registered for Skeleton application. remp/remp#1292
  • Fixed commands not being available to execute for synchronous web event handlers. remp/remp#1292
  • Refactored system settings configuration so they're available within Beam module and for Skeleton apps. remp/remp#1292