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Releases: remp2020/remp


25 Jul 09:53
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  • Changed asset() function in showtime.php to return absolute URL. remp/remp#1282


24 Jul 08:43
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  • Added make commands update-dev and update-prod to update development and production environments respectively after new code is pulled. remp/remp#1281
  • Fixed broken settings pages. remp/remp#1284


  • Changed CSS for collapsible bar banner to fix collisions with iPhone system button. remp/remp#1280
  • Added make commands update-dev and update-prod to update development and production environments respectively after new code is pulled. remp/remp#1281


  • Fixed date filtering on the newsletter stats page. remp/remp#1231
  • Added make commands update-dev and update-prod to update development and production environments respectively after new code is pulled. remp/remp#1281
  • Added hermes handler to notify CRM about refreshing user's data. You can enable the feature in config.local.neon (see config.local.neon.example file for reference). remp/web#2061
  • Fixed typo in the package.json definition for moment-timezone causing Yarn3 installation issues. remp2020/mailer-module#2
  • Added new emit of user-subscribed-variant and user-unsubscribed-variant hermes event when user subscribe or unsubscribes from the mail type variant. remp/web#2061
  • Added mail:unsubscribe-inactive-users command to mailer module. remp/remp#1277


  • Added make commands update-dev and update-prod to update development and production environments respectively after new code is pulled. remp/remp#1281


28 Jun 13:28
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  • BREAKING: Bumped yarn minimal version to 2. Update your yarn installation by command yarn set version 2.x. remp/remp#565
    • We highly recommend to remove node_modules/ and clear Yarn's cache (yarn cache clean) of each project before building the JS to avoid installation issues.


  • IMPORTANT - Moved Beam core functionality into extensions folder as the Laravel package. remp/remp#565
  • Added missing funnelId parameter to remplib functions for tracking payment and purchase events. remp/crm#2860
  • Fixed build issues of Go applications due to rename of transitive dependency of Goa v1. remp/remp#1275


  • Added copy banner link to banner detail and banner edit form. remp/remp#1259


  • IMPORTANT: Removed hardcoded "memory_limit" configuration (to "256M") in the mail:process-job command.
    • If you encounter memory limit issues with the command, configure the memory limit yourself either for the whole instance, or for this single command by using php -d memory_limit=256M bin/command.php option.
  • IMPORTANT: Added mail:bigint_migration_cleanup command, which drops left-over tables, after migration to bigint for mail_user_subscriptions, mail_user_subscription_variants, autologin_tokens, mail_log_conversions, mail_logs tables. remp/crm#2591
    • It's recommended to run this command at least 2 weeks after migrating (to preserve backup data, if some issue emerges) after successful migration to drop left-over tables.
  • Removed deleted mail types from dashboard stats. remp/remp#1269
  • Added support for select boxes to ConfigFormFactory. remp/remp#1271
  • Added support for horizontal scroll in DataTable (parameter scrollX in table settings). remp/remp#1270
  • Fixed mail click tracker to not modify URL in any way other than adding required query parameter. remp/remp#1270
  • Changed url column type in mail_template_links table from string to text to support longer URLs. remp/remp#1270
  • Added Makefile target make install to run all commands required after new code is pulled.
  • Fixed "Mail click tracker" config. The default setting is now "disabled". remp/remp#1102
  • Updated version of @remp/js-commons to 2.2 (contains fix for master search issue). remp/remp#1265
  • Fixed missing index for mail_templates.created_at (column is used by background queries in TemplatePresenter->renderDefaultJsonData()). remp/remp#1272
  • Fixed duplicate entry error of hash in MailTemplateLinksRepository::add() function by using INSERT IGNORE SQL statement. The error occurred when inserting the same data in a short time. remp/remp#1273
  • Fixed speed of listing pages. We changed how we get total row count (Repository::totalCount()) from COUNT(*) to COUNT(DISTINCT({$primary})). Using DISTINCT with indexed column forces MySQL to use index. remp/remp#1272
  • Fixed issue in /api/v1/users/user-preferences API which could include deleted mail types in the response. remp/crm#2883
  • Added validation for restricting the use of the same email variant in NewBatchFromFactory and NewTemplateFormFactory. remp/remp#1230
  • Added configurable batch size to the worker:mail command; use --batch-size=NUMBER to set your own batch size. remp/remp#1238
  • Fixed display issues of link stats table to display url in max. 3 lines and forbid horizontal scroll in table. remp/remp#1278
  • Added flag force_no_variant_subscription to /api/v1/users/subscribe and /api/v1/users/bulk-subscribe APIs enabling client to prevent default variant subscribe behavior (changed in the v2.2). remp/remp#1279


02 Jun 10:55
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  • Removed deleted mail types from dashboard stats. remp/remp#1269
  • Added support for horizontal scroll in DataTable (parameter scrollX in table settings). remp/remp#1270
  • Fixed mail click tracker to not modify URL in any way other than adding required query parameter. remp/remp#1270
  • Changed url column type in mail_template_links table from string to text to support longer URLs. remp/remp#1270
  • Added Makefile target make install to run all commands required after new code is pulled.
  • Fixed "Mail click tracker" config. The default setting is now "disabled". remp/remp#1102
  • Updated version of @remp/js-commons to 2.2 (contains fix for master search issue). remp/remp#1265


25 May 05:02
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  • BREAKING: Changed behavior when subscribing mail_type with variants (mail_type.is_multi_variant = true) without specified variant. remp/crm#2723
    • If mail_type.default_variant_id is set, such variant is subscribed (this didn't change).
    • BREAKING: If mail_type.default_variant_id is not set, all variants are subscribed.
  • BREAKING: Added context parameter to IReplace::replace() interface method. remp/remp#1102
    • Use context to pass additional information to replacers.
    • If you have own implementation of IReplace interface, you should add new context parameter to replace method.
  • Added list of subscribed variants to /api/v1/users/subscribe API response (parameter subscribed_variants). remp/crm#2723
  • Fixed broken master search, which was hitting deprecated search URL. remp/remp#1265
  • Added clicked links tracking in sent emails. remp/remp#1102
    • Added RtmClickReplace to add rtm_click query parameter with computed link hash to email links. Hash is then used to identify clicked link in email.
    • Added table with link clicks count to /template/show page.
    • You can enable/disable email link clicks tracking in Settings with Mail click tracker toggle.
    • Do not forget to seed your database with new config (Run make install after every update).
  • Added url parameter with clicked URL to mailgun-event Hermes event in v2/MailgunEventsHandler. remp/remp#1102
  • IMPORTANT: Fixed inconsistent behavior of missing translations for layouts and snippets which didn't default to the primary locale variant. remp/remp#1260
    • This fix might affect you if you are using multiple locales in Mailer, and if you rely on the behavior that empty snippet/layout is included for locales which were not filled.
    • Our intention (also communicated by the UI) was always the same: Use the translation if it's present, or fallback to the default language if it is not. Unfortunately layouts and snippets always created empty translations and used them instead. That was a bug. If you want to preserve this behavior, you need to explictly save something into the translation (e.g. space or HTML comment).


25 Apr 08:34
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  • Added an optimizations to speed up the statistics of articles on dashboard. remp/remp#1250
  • Added an optimization /api/articles API call to eager load necessary relationships. remp/remp#1254
  • Added an optimization /articles/conversions view to use article pageviews to calculate conversion rate instead of unique browsers from Journal API which can be slow. This may change the resulting values in conversion rate column. remp/remp#1253
  • Added an optimizations for dashboard view to reduce obsolete database calls and speed up the filtering by property. remp/remp#1251
    • Added optional env configurations ARTICLE_TRAFFIC_GRAPH_SHOW_INTERVAL_7D and ARTICLE_TRAFFIC_GRAPH_SHOW_INTERVAL_30D to disable possibility of choosing longer time intervals in the article histogram.
  • Added an optimization for /authors, /sections and /tags views by removing redundant join from datatable query and removing datatable count queries. remp/remp#1255
    • Changed pagination in datatable to use displayed data length instead of executing count query.
  • Added an optimization for API call /api/v2/articles/top. remp/remp#1252
  • Added new optional parameter published_from to filter out older articles from the counted data. Recommended to use for longer time periods, significantly speed up calls. remp/remp#1252


  • Added code attribute in response in /api/v1/mailers/mail-type-categories API. remp/crm#2723
  • Added default_variant_id attribute in response in /api/v1/mailers/mail-types API (same for "v2" and "v3"). remp/crm#2723
  • Added keep_list_subscription parameter in /api/v1/users/un-subscribe API. remp/crm#2723
    • By default, when mail type has variants and user unsubscribe from all of them, mail type is automatically unsubscribed too. Parameter keep_list_subscription set to true changes this behaviour - when last variant is unsubscribed, mail type subscription is retained.
  • Added API endpoint /api/v3/mailers/mail-types, which works similarly to v2, but returns more variant details in API response. remp/crm#2723
  • Added API endpoint /api/v1/users/is-subscribed checking if user is subscribed to particular mail type (and variant). remp/crm#2723
  • Added ability to specify variant in Job form. remp/crm#2723
  • Added support for variant in unsubscribe URL generated by DefaultServiceParamsProvider. remp/crm#2723


28 Mar 06:37
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  • Fixed issue with access rights of Docker user in the Composer's cache folder.
  • Fixed issue with installing Mailer skeleton JS dependencies due to missing bump of JS module version.


24 Mar 14:03
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This version bumps minimal version of required dependencies and expects that both mail:migrate-mail-logs-and-conversions and mail:migrate-user-subscriptions-and-variants were already executed. Update to this version only if you meet the criteria.


  • BREAKING: Raised minimal version of PHP to v8.1. remp/remp#2091
  • BREAKING: Raised minimal version of Node.js to v18. Older versions are already after its end-of-life and not supported anymore, v16 ends its life in couple of months. remp/remp#2091
  • IMPORTANT: Updated configuration of Docker Compose to use non-root users. remp/remp#2091
    • To make sure you use the same user/group within the docker images as in the host machine, follow these steps:
      1. Find out what is the UID and GID of your user:

        id -u # UID
        id -g # GID
        whoami # UNAME
      2. Create new .env file in the root of remp project (based on the .env.example):

      3. Transfer owner of generated files created by previous version of image (owned by root user) to user who will use them from now on:

        sudo chown -R 1000:1000 Beam Campaign Mailer Package Sso

        If you changed the default UID / GID to something different, use that in the chown command.

      4. Rebuild the docker images, clear caches, and start them again:

        docker compose stop
        docker compose build beam sso campaign mailer
        docker-compose up -d


  • Fixed possible performance issues if bigger amount of aggregation data need to be compressed. remp/remp#1246


  • Fixed issue with enforced Javascript in Variable form. remp/remp#1256
    • We unintentionally started to enforce JS in Variables without realizing that any value can be stored there. We keep the syntax highlighting for now, but it's not enforced.


  • BREAKING: Added support for external module routes (/<module>/<presenter>/<action>). remp/remp#1220
    • This new route map changed the default routes and breaks anything linking to the Mailer directly; primarily bookmarks. APIs are not affected by this change.
  • DEPRECATED: Deprecated method LogsRepository::filterAlreadySent in favor of LogsRepository::filterAlreadySentV2. remp/remp#1242
  • IMPORTANT: Changed primary key from int to bigint for autologin_tokens table. remp/remp#1187
    • This migration is a two-step process that requires your manual action - running mail:migrate-autologin-tokens in the off-peak hours. Since some tables are very exposed and cannot be locked for more than a couple of seconds, we decided to migrate the data into the new table manually and keep the old and new table in sync. Based on the amount of your data, the migration can anywhere from couple of minutes to hours.
    • Check Database tables migration section in mailer-module README file for more information.
  • Removed php-amqplib/php-amqplib from the direct Mailer dependencies. remp/remp#1244
  • Changed <p> tag formatting in generators. remp#remp1215
    • Generators used to remove <p> tags from input to then create new <p> tags and then add desired styling.
    • Now <p> tags are not removed but just changed to desired styling.
  • Fixed possible performance issue when sending emails. remp/remp#1242
    • The check executed in the mail:worker command didn't perform well under certain DB settings and caused unnecessary hold-ups.
  • Fixed worker:mail healthcheck not correctly working if worker was occupied with big batch. remp/remp#1240
  • Added support for include and exclude segments in mail jobs. Now you can select multiple include and exclude segments for mail job. remp/remp#1216
  • Added log user_id to mail_logs in mail Sender. remp/remp#1188
  • Fixed CreateNewMailLogsAndMailConversionsTable migration to add user_id column and index if database table is empty. remp/remp#1188


23 Feb 20:24
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  • BREAKING: Added explicit types to RedisClientTrait.
    • If you use the trait in your own extensions, you might encounter type incompatibility issues of your constructors and class properties. Make the necessary changes based on the error messages.
  • IMPORTANT: Changed primary key from int to bigint for mail_user_subscriptions table. remp/remp#1187
    • This migration is a two-step process that requires your manual action - running mail:migrate-user-subscriptions-and-variants in the off-peak hours. Since some tables are very exposed and cannot be locked for more than a couple of seconds, we decided to migrate the data into the new table manually and keep the old and new table in sync. Based on the amount of your data, the migration can take hours.
  • Added the soft delete of mail type variants. remp/crm#2721
  • Added ability to log apple bots use in Mailgun "opened" events via standalone Hermes handler (disabled by default). remp/analytika#137
  • Added TrackSubscribeUnsubscribeHandler hermes handler, which sends event to Tracker after user subscribes/unsubscribes from mail type. remp/remp#1226
  • Added ability to track RTM parameters in the /api/v1/users/subscribe API. remp/remp#1237
  • Added support for standalone HTTP webhook signing key. remp/remp#1232
    • Mailgun used to use domains API key to sign the requests, however it currently is a separate signing key.
  • Added filter by user_id support to mailer LogsHandler. remp/remp#1188


  • Fixed increasing pageviews for campaigns which banners were not displayed due to the priority rules for banners on the same position. remp/remp#1213
  • Added syntax highlighting to Variables section. remp/remp#1214
  • Added support for new banner rules in campaign. Now you can determine if campaign should display after user clicked or closed the banner. remp/remp#960
  • Added storing of collapse state for collapsible banner. remp/remp#960
    • If user collapses campaign banner then it displays collapsed on the next display.
    • In collapsible banner settings there is a new toggle to override this behaviour and display banner always in initial state.


27 Jan 12:54
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  • Changed the way how PHP CodeSniffer scripts (phpcbf, phpcs) is executed. Now they run from vendor/bin and so will reflect actual version of PHP.
  • The resolved composer dependencies are now generated against PHP 8.1.


  • Added optional parameters for command service:elastic-write-alias-rollover to allow customization of search options for rollover. remp/remp#1208
    • max-age - triggers rollover after the maximum elapsed time from index creation is reached (default value is 31d).
    • max-size - triggers rollover when the index reaches a certain size (default value is 4gb).
    • max-primary-shard-size - triggers rollover when the largest primary shard in the index reaches a certain size. Option introduced from elasticsearch version 7.13.


  • Added dimensions of banner into required inputs during the creation of custom HTML banner. remp/remp#1165
  • Added operator is not for the pageview attributes of campaign settings. remp/remp#1177
  • Added the configurable option to prioritize banners on same position. To enable the feature set env variable PRIORITIZE_BANNERS_ON_SAME_POSITION. remp/remp#1167
  • Added information about where to display to the detail page of campaign. remp/remp#1009
  • Changed the form of editing banner's custom JS - now JS code is displayed formatted and linted in separate window. remp/remp#1171
  • Added support for the inline editing of variables in the custom JS of banner. remp/remp#1172
  • Replaced Laravel's internal SerializableClosure with the separate forked implementation to avoid deprecation. remp/remp#1160


  • IMPORTANT: Changed primary keys of exposed tables from int to bigint. remp/remp#1187
    • This migration is a two-step process that requires your manual action - running mail:migrate-mail-logs-and-conversions in the off-peak hours. Since some tables are very exposed and cannot be locked for more than a couple of seconds, we decided to migrate the data into the new table manually and keep the old and new table in sync. Based on the amount of your data, the migration can take hours. Our production data with 200M+ records in the mail_logs table took ~15 hours to migrate.
    • The newly created mail_logs table also contains user_id, that will be used in the future release.
  • BREAKING: Changed DataRow (which extended deprecated Nette\Database\Table\IRow) to ActiveRowFactory (which returns ActiveRow). remp/remp#1224
    • If you use DataRow, replace the use with $this->activeRowFactory->create().
  • BREAKING: Added types to the properties of Remp\MailerModule\Models\Mailer\Mailer. remp/remp#1224
    • If you extend this class (implement your own mailer), make sure you align your extended property definitions with the parent class.
  • BREAKING: Changed order of constructor parameters of Remp\MailerModule\Models\Mailer\Mailer. remp/remp#1224
    • If you implement your own mailer, align your constructor with the parent class.
    • The registration of mailer in config.neon should use named parameter - e.g. change addMailer(Remp\MailerModule\Models\Mailer\MailgunMailer(eu)) to addMailer(Remp\MailerModule\Models\Mailer\MailgunMailer(code: eu)).
  • BREAKING: Updated JsonMachine library for parsing JSON streams. remp/remp#1224
  • IMPORTANT: Fixed description of "priority" field in the newsletter list form. remp/remp#1195
    • The newsletter form incorrectly stated the information about newsletter list priority. Mailer always prioritized newsletters with higher "priority" field, but the form stated otherwise.
  • Removed debugMode from CLI executions on non-production environments. remp/remp#1224
  • Added ServiceParamsProviderInterface which implements adding custom parameters to mail templates. remp/remp#1175
  • Added DefaultServiceParamsProvider which adds settings and unsubscribe params to mail templates.
  • Refactored Sender class to use ServiceParamsProviderInterface instead of generateServiceParams method.
  • Fixed UnreadArticlesResolver which crashed job processing in case of an uncaught (invalid URL) exception. remp/remp#1017
    • This could happen if an article was unpublished, but remained in the stats and was selected for personalized newsletter. Mailer wouldn't be able to fetch meta for article.
  • Replaced use of zrevrangebyscore Redis call (deprecated) with zrange with BYSCORE and REV options. remp/remp#1195
  • Changed required parameter sorting to optional in /api/v1/mailers/mail-type-variants API endpoint. remp/mnt#114
  • Added logRequestListenerErrors option to NewRelicModuleExtension configuration. remp/remp#1180
  • Added getBool method to MailerModule EnvironmentConfig, which provides support for getting boolean values from .env files. remp/remp#1180
  • Fixed removal of template (Twig) variables in HTML email template when switching from text to WYSIWYG editor and back. remp/remp#719
  • Fixed possibly slow view of job detail caused by missing index. remp/remp#1209
  • Fixed mail preview when WYSIWYG editor was used. WYSIWYG editor changes structure of inserted HTML (removes html, head and body tags). We need to preserve these tags to preview mail. remp/remp#1194
  • Added migration to change mail_job_queue id column type from int to bigint. remp/remp#1187