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Releases: remp2020/remp


10 Jul 13:21
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  • Added environment variables to configure Redis databases in Laravel. remp/remp#671


  • Added environment variables to configure Redis databases in Laravel. remp/remp#671


  • Added environment variables to configure Redis databases in Laravel. remp/remp#671


30 Jun 10:40
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  • BREAKING: Replaced spotify/kafka docker image with wurstmeister/kafka as original image was no longer maintained and new installations stopped working. remp/remp#638

    • In case you have existing installation in place using the docker compose, please run:
      docker-compose stop beam_tracker telegraf
      docker-compose rm beam_tracker telegraf
      docker-compose build beam_tracker telegraf


  • Added API endpoint mailers/mail-type-categories to list mail type categories. GH-64
  • Extended API endpoint mailers/mail-types to include additional data and filter via public_listing and code parameters. GH-64
  • Added API endpoint users/is-unsubscribed to check if user is explicitly unsubscribed from the newsletter. GH-64
  • Added API endpoint users/logs-count-per-status to get number of emails sent to user per each status within provided timeframe. GH-64
  • Added API endpoint users/logs to retrieve logs of emails sent to user. Various filter can apply, see for more details. GH-64
  • Added JSON schema validation to Subscribe and BulkSubscribe APIs. GH-64
  • Added API endpoint users/preferences to read user's subscriptions to newsletters (mail types). GH-64
  • Improved speed of job detail page - unsubscribe stats could slow rendering a bit if job was sent to 6+-figure recipients. remp/remp#624
  • Added API endpoint mailers/mail-templates to list and filter available mail templates.
  • Added early-version support for search in the top searchbox. Searchable are emails (templates), layouts, jobs and newsletter lists. GH-69
  • Added early-version support for WYSIWYG editor in Template edit form. It's configurable in config.local.neon, Mailer keeps HTML editor as default for now. GH-58


  • Added early-version support for search in the top searchbox. Searchable are articles, authors, sections, tags and segments. GH-62
  • Added support for timezone parameter in Journal aggregations. remp/remp#605
  • Quick range day filters now start from beginning of the day. remp/remp#605
  • Added FORCE_HTTPS environment variable to enforce HTTPS generation to URLs instead of determining protocol based on the request. This is useful in case you're running your application on https, but internally use proxy forwarding the request via http. remp/remp#619
  • Added new APIs api/authors/top and api/tags/top for retrieving top authors and tags per given time period. remp/web#366
  • Articles upsert v2 api endpoint - process article titles only if they are present in payload. remp/remp#646
  • Fixed remplib initialization which could use misidentification of user - remplib.getUserId() would return null even when the userId was correctly set in rempConfig. remp/remp#651


  • Added early-version support for search in the top searchbox. Searchable are banners and campaigns. GH-62
  • Improved intervals in campaign stats charts. remp/remp#605
  • Quick range day filters now start from beginning of the day. remp/remp#605
  • Added FORCE_HTTPS environment variable to enforce HTTPS generation to URLs instead of determining protocol based on the request. This is useful in case you're running your application on https, but internally use proxy forwarding the request via http. remp/remp#619
  • Fixed add new ab variant replaces last variant instead of adding new after last one. remp/remp#634
  • Added option to disable banner events tracking. remp/remp#636
  • Added ability to access banner properties in custom JS code run in banner via newly added params object. remp/remp#636
  • Changed wording of hints in campaign's segment selection form. remp/remp#645
  • Fixed remplib initialization which could use misidentification of user - remplib.getUserId() would return null even when the userId was correctly set in rempConfig. remp/remp#651


  • Added FORCE_HTTPS environment variable to enforce HTTPS generation to URLs instead of determining protocol based on the request. This is useful in case you're running your application on https, but internally use proxy forwarding the request via http. remp/remp#619


07 Apr 12:29
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Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the first half of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.


  • Added support for conversion rate sorting in Conversions data table. remp/remp#306
  • Fixed error thrown when using main search on authors listing. remp/remp#531
  • Added command to maintain data retention for rolled-over Elastic indices. remp/remp#527
  • Pageviews graph in article details page loads data from Journal snapshots instead of directly quering Journal API by default. Option PAGEVIEWS_DATA_SOURCE added to .env file to allow switching to old behaviour. remp/remp#442
  • rempConfig.tracker configuration option explicit_referer_medium is deprecated and renamed to refererMedium. The old one is still accepted due to compatibility reasons.
  • Added support for referer medium renaming - one can specify label for each medium by adding a record to referer_medium_labels table. remp/remp#543
  • Updated layout footer with link to REMP website. remp/remp#522 HEAD
  • Added ability to display external events in article detail and dashboard. remp/remp#574
  • Added (optional) article_id field to event parameters pushed to tracker. remp/remp#556
  • Fixed property naming validator issue checking unique constraint against account names, not property names.
  • Added article conversion/pageviews stats filtering based on selected property. GH-50
  • Added support for article tags (storing tags associated with articles, filtering in data tables). remp/remp#217
  • Added top articles endpoint for listing top articles by time, sections. remp/web#1010
  • Fixed duplicate conversions if multiple sections/tags/authors were linked to article.
  • Fixed missing conversions if no section/tag/author was linked to article. remp/remp#586


  • Updated layout footer with link to REMP website. remp/remp#522
  • Fixed missing validation rules for collapsible bar banner template. remp/remp#558
  • Added support for campaign segment exclusion. User now need to match both inclusion and exclusion segment rules to see the campaign banner. GH-33
  • Overal rectangle banner button text and main text attributes are now optional. This is useful when e.g. only using picture inside the banner. remp/remp#582
  • Texts in collapsible bar, bar and medium rectangle bar templates are now optional. remp/remp#597


  • BREAKING: Attachment parameter in send-email API is now required to be base64-encoded to support PDF (and other binary) attachments.
  • BREAKING: Context checking during email sending now only checks if user received an email with given context before; Mailer ignores mail_template_code being sent. In previous version, two different mail templates with same context could be sent to the same user. This version prevents such behavior. remp/crm#987
  • BREAKING: Removed hardcoded support for Errbit/Airbrake error logging, added support for Sentry logging. See README for details on how to configure Sentry to track errors.
  • Updated layout footer with link to REMP website. remp/remp#522
  • Added possibility to filter hermes payload parameters in logs. Parameters password and token are already filtered by default. See config.neon for reference how to extend filtering with own parameters.
  • Added hermes handler to unsubscribe users from mail type if emails are dropped. You can enable the feature in config.local.neon (see example file for reference). remp/remp#566
  • Added configuration for allowed preflight (OPTIONS) headers into configuration. You can configure them via %preflight.headers parameter - see example use.
  • Fixed possible duplicate email for same context being sent, in case the emails were scheduled at the same time via send-email API.
  • Fixed and redesigned mailing list variants statistics to be sortable and filterable. remp/remp#593
  • Fixed attachment_size column type - changing to integer (from incorrectly assigned datetime).
  • Added option to select events to handle when starting Hermes worker in case there's need to run separate workers for mission-critical event types.


  • Updated layout footer with link to REMP website. remp/remp#522


14 Oct 06:36
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Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the beginning of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.


  • Numeric columns in conversion are sorted descending first (and only way). remp/remp#306
  • Fixed occasional duplicate records in article listings across Beam. remp/remp#482
  • Fixed missing articles on author detail if the article doesn't belong to any section.


  • Fixed possible error on newsletter list editing if custom sorting was used. remp/remp#516
  • Fixed autologin parameter in unsubscribe email links. remp/remp#518


04 Oct 09:51
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Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the beginning of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.

Go was updated to version 1.13.


  • Major refactoring and redesign of IOTA (on-site stats) which now include more relevant statistics. GH-24
  • Article detail now shows referer (traffic source) statistics. remp/remp#445
  • Added command for compressing snapshot data. remp/remp#442
  • Timespent interval configuration in JS is now configurable. remp/remp#461
  • Added configuration for various views of conversion rate (decimals, multiplier). remp/remp#475
  • Added support for property token selection on Beam dashboard. remp/remp#473


  • Bugfixed notice in showtime when adblock was not detectable. remp/remp#447
  • Campaign listing now displays segment names instead of segment codes.
  • Bugfixed campaign form not being able to update some options to their default value.
  • Added HTML overlay banner template. remp/remp#457
  • Added support to pass custom query parameters to displayed banner URL.
  • All links in banner (not just CTA) now include Campaign's UTM parameters. remp/remp#455


  • Updated Hermes library, logging only error events to the database.
  • Refactored UTM parameter replacing in email links.
  • Added support to send single emails via API.


11 Jul 10:11
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Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the beginning of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.


  • [Mailer]: Fixing error screen in case SSO wasn't able to log user in 7fd4154

    Please change following line in your .env file in Mailer:

  • [Campaign]: Some tables didn't have primary keys since creation. This was preventing migrations on the replicated instances. This release fixes the failing migration issue. f211d2c

Note: generated binaries are the same as in 0.8.1, no need to deploy them if you have 0.8.1 deployed.


10 Jul 11:32
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Elasticsearch upgrade notice. We'll be raising Elasticsearch compatibility to 7.* in the beginning of 2020 to keep with the latest changes. Current implementation Segments API is tested and maintained again Elasticsearch 6.*. Please plan your upgrade accordingly.


  • [Segments]: Fixing mapping fetching changes which was causing "include_type_name" deprecation notices since Elastic 6.8. This is to prepare to provide full compatibility for Elastic 7.* and drop compatibility promise for 6.* in the following months.

  • [Beam]: Added experimental database-based dashboard data source which works with snapshot of "concurrents" data made every minute. Snapshotting is being done automatically for you against concurrents_by_browser elastic index. This should be populated by your Telegraf instance based on similar configuration.


08 Jul 10:26
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  • [Mailer]: Material checkbox was not being rendered properly in Mailer causing custom generator implementations not being able to use it.

  • [Mailer]: If generated queue was too big, memory exhausted exception was possible. Pagination was added to queue generation prevent the issue.

  • [Beam]: New functions for tracking commerce events were added to give caller more precise control over what is being tracked. See documentation of following methods in

    • remplib.tracker.trackCheckoutWithSource
    • remplib.tracker.trackPaymentWithSource
    • remplib.tracker.trackPurchaseWithSource
    • remplib.tracker.trackRefundWithSource
  • [Beam]: In some cases, Beam's database could have been migrated with invalid default value for conversion's paid_at column. 553c2dc

  • [Campaign]: New configuration options were added to append extra query parameters to banner's target URL in case target page needs to identify source page/article and referer is not enough.

    See rempConfig.campaign.bannerUrlParams object at for more detailed info:

    bannerUrlParams:  {
        "foo": function() { return "bar" },
        "baz": function() { return "XXX" }
  • [Campaign]: HTML banner now supports custom JS and CSS inclusion from external sources.

  • [Campaign]: Bugfixing HTML banner's Farbtastic color picker which was not being initialized after the latest dependency changes.

Note: Generated binaries were not changed since 0.7.0, there's no need to redeploy them if you have 0.7.0 deployed.


14 Jun 07:14
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  • [Breaking][Segments]: Configuration option ELASTIC_ADDR in .env file was renamed to ELASTIC_ADDRS. The value now supports multiple comma-separated addresses to Elastic servers. At least one address needs to be functional for application to start.
  • [Tracker]: Tracker now tries to parse provided referer manually before it's passed to the source detection library. If the referer is not parseable, derived_referer_medium is set as unknown.


22 May 11:54
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  • [Tracker]: New property "explicit_referer_medium" added to tracker options. It allows to specify custom referer (not based on Referer HTTP header) when tracking pageviews. The value can be utilized later, e.g. in Beam dashboard statistics.
  • [Tracker]: Added support for tracking of reading progress (both for full page and for articles). See swagger.json and section related to track/pageview.
  • [Segments]: New "inverse" flag added, which allows to invert arbitrary "filter_by" condition when querying Segments API.

Related to reading progress tracking, we've also release updated version of our Telegraf fork. You can download the newest version (1.10.4) here: