I'm Rishi, a passionate computer science student interested in software development, data science, and Machine Learning.
Check out my Portfolio to see more of my work!
• Machine learning model to predict stock prices for user-selected S&P 500 stocks.
• Model built using LSTM architecture for price predictions
• Frontend built using React to provide a user-friendly interface for selecting stocks, number of days to predict, and viewing predictions in graph format.
• Python trading bot using the Robin Stocks API to execute trades at specified thresholds, predict prices, and use Machine Learning to improve strategy.
• Made use of the LSTM ML architecture for stock price prediction.
• Machine learning model to detect whether an uploaded image contains a cat or a dog.
• Model built using TensorFlow and served via a Flask backend.
• Frontend built using React to provide a user-friendly interface for uploading images and viewing predictions.
• Web app using OpenAI’s LLM to generate study plans and practice questions from inputted audio/text files.
• React frontend and Flask backend breaking down content into sizeable chunks and providing practice study problems, making use of Python modules for PDF text extraction and audio transcription.
- workout-app:
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Hosted here
• Created a React web application to plan, create, and track gym workouts on a weekly basis.
• Processed user-inputted information in the back-end of the app to return an organized list and plan of various potential workouts.
Python, Jupyter Notebook, Hosted with Binder here
• Basic song recommendation Jupyter Notebook based on song metrics and similarity to specified song.
• Python program to scrape data from Stack Overflow to grab top 50 new questions (question title and URL). Scraped data then stored in MongoDB database and displayed via React App.
Python, Jupyter Notebook, Hosted with Binder here
• NFL stat prediction Jupyter Notebook based on player data and statistics over several years.
Python, Jupyter Notebook, Hosted with Binder here
• Basic movie recommendation Jupyter Notebook based on user ratings and similarity to specified movie.
- LEFA Website:
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Hosted here
• Created a website for a nonprofit organization with chapters across the country that promotes financial literacy in America.
• Utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the website from scratch in order to allow flexibility and customization.
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Hosted here
• Created a simple website for 2021 FBLA Website Design Competition (placed top-12 nationally).
• Used HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP to display business information, allow for responsiveness, and interactivity.
- todo-list: (work in progress)
HTML/CSS (SCSS), JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Firebase, React Testing, Hosted here
• Created a to-do list React web application to track, store, create, and manage user-created list items.
• Accepted user input, allowed for task creation and deletion, created a feature for scheduled tasks, and implemented
I am a Computer Science Student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign based in Urbana, IL. I am majoring in computer science and seeking a minor in statistics. I am currently interested in software engineering, data science, applied Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, and quantitative analysis/investing. In my free time, I enjoy running, watching and playing football, and watching movies.
Explore my professional background in more detail by checking out my Resume.
Feel free to reach out to me via [email protected] or my personal email [email protected] for collaboration or any inquiries.
Thanks for stopping by!