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Dataset: NFL Stats 2012-2022
Import Libraries: The code starts by importing the necessary libraries - pandas for data manipulation, sklearn for machine learning, and matplotlib for plotting.
Read Data: It reads NFL player data from a CSV file named "yearly_data.csv" into a pandas DataFrame called data.
Select Columns: It then selects specific columns from the DataFrame (selected_columns) related to player performance metrics.
Filter Data for Wide Receivers (WR): It creates a new DataFrame called wr by filtering the original data to include only records where the player's position is 'WR'.
Feature Selection: It further selects features (X) and the target variable (y) for modeling. The selected features exclude 'receiving_yards', 'name', and 'id'.
Train-Test Split: The data is split into training and testing sets using the train_test_split function from sklearn.
Linear Regression Model: It initializes a linear regression model (model) from sklearn, fits it on the training data (X_train, y_train), and prepares to make predictions.
Identify a Player: It sets the variable name to the desired player's name and retrieves their player ID and the most recent season they played.
Retrieve Player Data: It extracts the player's data for the specified season and removes irrelevant columns (desired_player).
Make Prediction: It uses the trained linear regression model to predict the player's receiving yards (y_pred) based on the provided input data (desired_player).
The final result, y_pred, contains the predicted receiving yards for the specified player in the most recent season available in the dataset.
Import Libraries: The code starts by importing the necessary libraries - pandas for data manipulation, sklearn for machine learning, and matplotlib for plotting.
Read Data: It reads NFL player data from a CSV file named "yearly_data.csv" into a pandas DataFrame called data.
Select Columns: It then selects specific columns from the DataFrame (selected_columns) related to player performance metrics.
Filter Data for Quarterbacks (QB): It creates a new DataFrame called qb by filtering the original data to include only records where the player's position is 'QB'.
Feature Selection: It further selects features (X) and the target variable (y) for modeling. The selected features exclude 'passing_yards', 'name', and 'id'.
Train-Test Split: The data is split into training and testing sets using the train_test_split function from sklearn.
Linear Regression Model: It initializes a linear regression model (model) from sklearn, fits it on the training data (X_train, y_train), and prepares to make predictions.
Identify a Player: It sets the variable name to the desired player's name and retrieves their player ID and the most recent season they played.
Retrieve Player Data: It extracts the player's data for the specified season and removes irrelevant columns (desired_player).
Make Prediction: It uses the trained linear regression model to predict the player's passing yards (y_pred) based on the provided input data (desired_player).
The final result, y_pred, contains the predicted passing yards for the specified player in the most recent season available in the dataset.