Releases: robofit/arcor2_areditor
Releases · robofit/arcor2_areditor
0.16.2 (August 19, 2021)
Compatible with arcor2_arserver version 0.21.0, API 0.17.0.
- DropdownParameters causing error in set_joints action
- APOrientation CloseMenu method was not implemented
- Objects were not destroyed properly (causing errors in when creating project directly from opened scene)
- Section label in orientation aiming menu had bad description
- Left menu: scene/project/package info added
0.16.1 (August 05, 2021)
Compatible with arcor2_arserver version 0.21.0, API 0.17.0.
- Section label in orientation aiming menu had bad description
- Left menu: scene/project/package info added
- Project parameters menu was not working
0.16.0 (August 05, 2021)
Compatible with arcor2_arserver version 0.21.0, API 0.17.0.
- Support for project parameters
- Action object picker menu
- Main Editor settings menu
- AR-related settings (formerly in bottom panel)
- Editor settings (AP size, interactivity of action objects and others)
- Panel for project parameters editor
- Action point aiming menu
- Action object aiming menu
- Enhanced visualisation of aiming points for objects with mesh
- Aiming points are now either green or red, indicating if they are aimed or not
- Added cancel aiming btn
- Added automatic point selection based on distance to the selected end effector
- Aiming menu now can detect if aiming is in progress when opened
- Button to open robot stepping menu
- New object type menu
- Action object parameters menu
- Edit constant dialog
- Support for multi-arm robots
- Downloading of obj meshes and URDFs using reverse proxy
- Go online/offline button moved to editor screen
- Offscreen indicator for objects outside of view
- New parameter components in most of the menus and dialogs
- Robot info in action point aiming menu
- Confirmation dialog when removing objects
- Selector items now has tooltips with name of the object
- Removed all left old-styled (white) menus
- The only one white menu left is "hamburger" menu
- Left menu now can has 6 items
- Removed menu manager
- Removed robot dropdowns from aiming menus and using "selected robot"
- Action parameters are now saved automatically
- When there is no available action, action picker menu could not be invoked
- When scene is offline, action object parameters are greyed out
- Add connection btn is now inactive when connections are hidden
- Set delay of all tooltips to 0.5s
- Action objects could now be moved when online
- List of object types is now alphabetically sorted
- Left menu buttons now has two-line tooltips
- Position of scene/project/package info in left menus
- When NoPose obj is added to scene, NoPose menu is triggered
- Checking AP duplicate btn using dryRun
- Action objects without pose could not be instanciated
- Many fixes on object mesh downloading
- EEs were not visible after scene goes online
- Selected object gets deselected when its filter become inactive
- Update robotMeta when robot object type added or updated
- Transform menu required robot even when not neccessary
- Play button was not updated when action was executed
- Visibility of menus and dialogs when selecting/creating project parameters
- Action object was not selected when added to scene
- Size of buttons in all left menus
- Fixed transform wheel units indicator
- When stopping of package took more than 15s, gui got stuck
0.15.1 (Jun 22, 2021)
Compatible with arcor2_arserver version 0.19.0, API 0.15.0.
Minor changes:
- Duplicated AP are automatically selected from now on
- Notifications about successful / unsuccessful manual re-calibration added
- Newly instantiated action object is added in front of tablet (0.5m away) with the orientation of the scene and it is automatically selected
- Scene goes offline automatically when clicked on close scene / project
- Transform menu wheel is displaying values in set units
- UI inconsistencies on devices with different resolutions
- Some buttons of the left menu were not properly updated when switching from online to offline
- Exception when non-digit character was put in input
- It was possible to click on actions directly without aiming crossbar
- Robot model was visible after it was loaded by urdf manager
- Glitches with transform wheel in the transform menu
0.15.0 (Jun 15, 2021)
Compatible with arcor2_arserver version 0.18.0, API 0.15.0.
Minor changes:
- Tracking failure timeout added. When the AR system loses its tracking (animation and error notifications are displayed), it has 20 seconds to recover itself, otherwise re-calibration will be requested (automatical or manual, depending on global settings in the editor).
- robot stepping menu (5cm moved the real robot by 20cm) - now 5cm moves the real robot by 5cm
- closing dialogs when scene or project is closed by other user
- cannot duplicate start/end action
- AutoCalibration was called constantly even when the device was not tracking
- Action Object outlines did not respect the scale of the robot (outlines automatically adapts their size and should be consistent from now on)
- calibration cube axis names were not positioned correctly (were upside down before)
- calibration cube sometimes not displayed in selector menu
- deleted Action Point was still selected by Selector menu which caused some buttons of the left menu were active, resolving into exceptions
- freshly created Action Point not selected in selector menu
- some buttons in left menu were active even when the device was not calibrated
- could not select robot EE in scene editor (EE was not properly loading when in scene editor)
- connections between actions could not hide/display properly
0.14.0 (May 21, 2021)
Major changes:
- Auto calibration using new Aruco markers
- Initial support for Link parameter
** currently supported: bool, double, string, string_enum, integer, intereg_enum, pose - added leftMenuPackage (pausing, resuming and stoping of running package from left menu)
- New action picker menu
- New action parameters menu
- Implementation of objects locking
- Selector menu refactored
** Now supports submenus
** Actions and orientations are under APs, Inputs/Outputs are under Actions
** Improved raycasting for object selection - temporarily disabled filters when requesting objects (as it did not work with new selector menu)
- newly added AP is relative when pointing on ap or action object
Minor changes:
- add methods with callback for enabling save and close buttons
- move and remove btns in left menu are now checked asynchronously
- Removed action menu as all its features are now parts of new UI
- GetCameraPose now returns EstimatedPose instead of Pose
- Calibration robot/camera loading screen + handling events
- recognizing state of scene after app started
- update left menu buttons after scene going online/offline
- offset of tooltip enlargened
- position of buttons in left menu scene is now the same as in project
- updated tooltip for run btn in left menu
- updated models for compatibility with project service 0.7.0
- submit and reset buttons of transform menu are disabled, when position not changed
- after adding new action, current submenu in left menu stays opened
- added lock icon to robot
- checking for web exception when downloading URDF
- validation of AP parent using dryRun
- create project from scene is now interactable event when scene is not saved (server will save it automatically)
- invalid projects are now displayed with semitransparent image and could not be clicked on
- using int_modified to check if there is any change in scene or project
- recognising project/scecne changed state
- tooltip for create project button
- removed "others" filter
- unlocking AP after updating parent, sending less ListScenes etc, and typos
- now sending save/close dry run once per lockingEvent instead for each locked object
- various bugs when editing connections
- selectorItem.SetSelected was called unnecessarily often, which caused performance issues
- double deserialisation of string parameters
- double unlocking when renaming
- Outlines FIX, text labels of AO, AP, Menu set to overlay
- Many fixes of locking
- add AP button interactivity when AR not calibrated
- transform menu was transforming by 20cm instead of 5cm
- new object type menu validation did not work properly
- in robot stepping menu interactivity of hand teaching mode button
- manually selected objects sometimes did not get red in selector menu
- when robot uses placeholder, it could not be moved
- string parameters of objects and actions
- addlogicitem dry run was called multiple times when some input / output was hovered
- connection to parrent was not updated when parent changed
- fixed rotation of action objects
- ap did not take into account parents orientation
- when connection to server was lost, items were not removed from selector menu
- items in "alphabet" selector menu are now sorted
- collapsable btns in selector items are now disabled when not needed
- START and END has both input and output in selector menu
- no pose selector menu issue
- exception when scene goes offline and there is a robot with URDF but without model
- toast message was blocking raycasts, even when invisible
- exception when checking for newer version of URDF
- start and end label text
- red background of move button in left menu
- pre-selected objects could not be lock-selected
- gizmo scale was weird for rotated objects
0.13.1 (April 21, 2021)
- click on cancel on rename menu after AP was spawned results in AP deletion
- updated label for add connection
- added tooltips to transform menu robot stepping menu and selector menu
- transform menu now remembers selected axis
- start and end actions are now placed above 0,0,0
- object name is updated in selector menu right after rename was sucessfull
- fixed global visibility settings for action objects
- rename dialog had black text on grey background
- fixed redeclaration of Button property in toggleiconbutton and twostatestoggle
- only one robot EEf was shown in selector menu
- execute action button was enabled after parameter saved even when scene offline
- left menu and all submenus should now be closed after project or scene editor is closed (e.g. when disconnected from server)
- robot stepping menu, transform menu and robot selector menu are now automatically closed when scene goes offline
- manual selection was not working
- null reference exception when package execution failed quickly
- two states buttons SetInteractivity method sometimes did not work
0.13.0 (March 30, 2021)
- Brand-new left menu
- New transform menu instead of gizmo for action points and action objects
- Robot selector menu
- Robot stepping menu
- Calibration cube displays instruction text on hover
- Rename dialog
- Calibration cube not displaying in selector menu anymore when disabled
0.12.3 (March 24, 2021)
- error when GoOnline/Offline if robot model is still loading
- scene could not be selected when creating new project
- scenes, projects and packages are now loaded using async callbacks
- input validation for integer and double parameters
- save scene button was sometimes disabled even when there were unsaved changes
- action object menu in project was unresponsive
- error when package started
0.12.2 (March 24, 2021)
- obsolete files removed
- added exception handling for when AP not found
- updated websocket library
- using callback method for batch calls to improve speed and memory usage (mainly upon server connection)
- updated icons in selector menu
- relative action point is now added to the same place as parent and selected when created
- Grid in VR mode rotates based on the world anchor. Switch to VR will keep the camera's FoV.
- OnOverrideAddedOrUpdated was using type of parameter instead of name to find overrides
- fixed platform specifier to disable VR mode in desktop
- connection to server when app paused or focused again
- alternative description was sometimes not enabled when button set interactivity to false
- robot sometimes doesnt move to initial position after going offline
- showing end effectors can be switched on when offline, too
- after adding an action object to a scene, remove buttons in main menu are updated
- Downgrade of textmeshpro to 2.1.0 - fixes problem with period as separator in decimal input
- when move action occured before package was initialized, exception was thrown
- urdf error when loading an urdf and closing scene or connection at the same time (additional robot model was displayed in scene)
- scrollables could now be scrolled even when not hovering above object
- filters were not reenabled after requesting objects and some objects could be inacessible during requesting objects