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Custom Commands

Rob Sanchez edited this page Sep 1, 2015 · 4 revisions

eecli custom commands are Laravel Console Command objects, which extend Symfony Console Command objects. You can add custom commands to your .eecli.php config file by adding the class name to the 'commands' array.

Custom commands are great for cron jobs and/or post-deployment tasks.

# import currency conversion rates nightly
0 0 * * * cd /var/www && vendor/bin/eecli import_conversion_rates --http_host=""

Your custom command must extend eecli\Command\Command. You can generate a custom command file using the generate:command command.

Here is a simple example custom command (it is assumed your custom command classes are in your autoloader):


namespace MyApp\Command;

use eecli\Command\Command;

class RemoveBannedMembersCommand extends Command
    protected $name = 'remove_banned_members';
    protected $description = 'Removes members that are banned.';

    protected function fire()
        ee()->db->delete('members', array('group_id' => 2));

        $this->info('Banned members removed.');

And your configuration would be:

'commands' => array(

Then you could run your command:

eecli remove_banned_members

You may also use a callback to instantiate your object, useful if you need to inject dependencies.

'commands' => [
    function ($app) {
        return new CustomCacheClearingCommand(new RedisClient);
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