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Rob Sanchez edited this page Nov 1, 2014 · 3 revisions

This checks if any of your addons (modules, extensions, and fieldtypes) are out of date by comparing version numbers in your database with version numbers in your addon files. If so, it will run the addon's update method. This is exactly how addon updates work inside the control panel.

$ eecli update:addons <type>



Optional. Which addon type do you want to update? modules, extensions, fieldtypes, or accessories? (Leave blank to update all)


run all addon updates

$ eecli update:addons

run module updates

$ eecli update:addons modules

run extension updates

$ eecli update:addons extensions

run fieldtype updates

$ eecli update:addons fieldtypes

run accessory updates

$ eecli update:addons accessories
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