Beta release 3
v0.1.1-beta changelog:
- Added yard warp
- Added clear party options for skirmish entries
- Added the first set of trigger system nodes
- Added unload (includes an audio clip)
- Added poor god mode
- Added the disrupt audio clip
- Added siege bullet sprite
- Force tractor nodes can work on stations
- Reworked laser so that it would no longer be affected by gcd
- Reworked the symmetry mode for the ship builder
- Reordered the world creator menu items
- Revised the line rendering for the sector creator
- Revised a bunch of sprites
- Missile can no longer attack air stations
- Removed ion air station
- Fixed some issues with the party member system
- Fixed the issues with disrupt
- Fixed the check entity condition and conditional group nodes
- Fixed some performance and out of bounds problems in the ship builder
- Fixed bullet's targeting and audio
- Fixed variables not working with sector limiter nodes
- Fixed some issues with the mission nodes
- Fixed some null issues
- Tooltips text should no longer go out of bounds on the status menu map
- Control buff should be fixed if the ship has been repaired
- Inverted tractor should work with any tier
- Part index should now work with all factions (besides the player faction)
- Pressing the buttons in reward nodes will no longer cause an error
- Custom factions can now work with background spawns
- Node editor should now with Linux builds
- Core max and regen should now display their stats in ship builder
Thank you for playing ShellCore Command Remastered!