Alpha release 7
2390 commits
to master
since this release
v3.1.0-alpha changelog:
- Added world-wise entity blueprints, now you don't have to store all the entity blueprints you've ever created in one folder, instead each world will have a folder dedicated to the entity blueprints created for it
- You can also now just specify the entity blueprint filename (what you chose for it when you saved blueprint JSON) and the game will read that file to load the json (instead of pasting its JSON into the input field, although you can still do this and you should since file reads can be really slow. This feature is really only meant for cores that are so big the JSON doesn't fit into the field)
- Added world-wise wave blueprints which function exactly the same way as entities except waves must now specify filename instead of it being an option (this is because wave data can get insanely large and so waves need files of their own)
- Added a custom cursor for the game that changes color when hovering over a targetable entity/part
- Left-clicking Secondary Target info boxes will now set them as your primary target (and set your current primary if any as a secondary target)
- Shift left-clicking Secondary Target info boxes will now remove that secondary target specifically
- Added a Defense Turret to SiegeZone Beta as a strategical clue
- Added the ability to kill 3 ShellCores to skip the part salvaging task of Training Circuit
- Added experimental (internet) bullet prediction, needs testing to see if it makes a difference
- Removed the Counter Drones from BattleZone Alpha and the Danger Zone
- Fixed a typo in the Aristu rescue mission finish task prompt
- Changed the Status Menu minimap renders to be more transparent
- Changed the Status Menu minimap render borders to all be white
- Doubled the grid lines on the minimap render
- Main worlds will now have unique names per version to fix the overwriting bug (you should still be able to read from it)
- Beam now latches to your shooter
- Beam and the beam particles now use the standard cyan projectile color
- Trying to spawn a Drone when you are at your unit limit should now alert you about your unit limit
- Unit Count should now be immediately updated when Turrets or Tanks die in addition to Drones
- The settings buttons have been made smaller and it no longer cuts out at the bottom (at the "Save Settings" button)
- Ability descriptions should now more accurately reflect ability meta values (i.e. damage and other stuff)
- Hid the part counts for trader inventories
- Shooters should now layer above all other ShellCore parts/cores
- Changed the main menu save icon timer format to match a stopwatch
- Updated missile sprite to look more like other projectiles
- Updated graphics for background dialogue
- Changed the player minimap icon to be white instead of green
- Part rate buff from 8% to 10%
- Drones' parts now have half their normal health
- Drones' shell is therefore now halved
- Drones' core is therefore now quartered
- Siege Turret Bullet - 500 damage -> 1000 damage
- Siege Turret Bullet survival time reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds, reducing range by 33%
- Missile speed increased from 80 to 120
- Missile survival time reduced from 4 to 3
- Fixed the bug preventing the 'C' Clear Parts hotkey from working in the Yard
- The Yard and Trader inventories should now not scroll when you are taking out a part
- The 1 Entry Ground Platform should no longer crash the game
- Platforms may have been messed up in this update. This is expected. You aren't supposed to use platforms yet in custom worlds (to be honest you aren't supposed to make custom worlds right now in the first place but bugs are bugs and I like squashing them)
- Worlds from old versions should now load automatically, you shouldn't need to make a "Canvases" folder anymore
- Hotkeying Turrets out of Outposts and Bunkers while you are destroyed and in the process of respawning no longer works
- The camera jitter when you start moving after hovering should no longer be happening
- Sectors should now load when you are exactly on their edge and not in the previously loaded sector. If you are on two or more sector edges it picks one though which one specifically is not guaranteed, you should actually move into sectors you want to go into
- Siege Sectors should now reset to the first wave when you die/leave the sector
- Crossing sector boundaries through hovering/oscillation while being still no longer loads the sector crossed into
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to create presets with invalid blueprints
- Fixed a bug that kept the preset preview on screen after deleting a preset
- Fixed a bug that stopped the unit count updating when your drones despawn when they are too far away from you on sector entry/exit
- (Probably) fixed a bug which allowed weapons to fire after their part was detached, haven't tested this
- Fixed a layering issue with detached parts and ground platforms
- Fixed some "caching" issues with the World Creator
Stay safe; these are trying times.
Thank you for playing ShellCore Command Remastered!