- AWS EC2 - Create and Use an EC2 Instance Profile
- AWS EC2 - Associate Elastic IP Address with an Instance
- AWS EC2 - Working with Instance Connect Endpoint
- AWS EC2 - Create a Classic Bastion Host Setup
- AWS EC2 - Attaching Multiple ENI to an EC2
- AWS EC2 - Automate with User Data Script and Cloud Init
- AWS EC2 - Creating a Custom AMI
- AWS EC2 - Automate AMI creation with EC2 Image Builder
- AWS EC2 - Port-forward RDS Database through SSM
- AWS S3 - (pseudo) mount S3 to EC2
- AWS S3 - S3 Delete Objects from versioned enabled Bucket
- AWS S3 - Establish Cross Account Access
- AWS S3 - Lifecycle Policy - Delete Objects Automatically After 90 Days
- AWS EFS - Mount EFS from a Different VPC (same Region)
- AWS EFS - Secure AWS EFS Filesystems
- AWS EC2 EBS - Encrypt unencrypted Volumes of EC2 Instance
- AWS EC2 EBS - Enforce EBS Volume Encryption on EC2 Instance Creation and on Volume Creation
- AWS EC2 EBS - Enable Default Encryption in the Region
- AWS EC2 EBS - Increase the storage size of an EBS Volume (root volume)
- AWS VPC - Create a Fully Featured VPC (step-by-step)
- AWS VPC - Transit Gateway - Establish centralized outbound routing to the Internet
- AWS Client VPN - Setting Up Client VPN with Mutual Authentication
- AWS VPC - Peer VPC Inner and Cross Region
- AWS VPC - Enable VPC Flow Logs and Publish to CloudWatch
- AWS RDS - Use Encryption in Transit (PostgreSQL)
- AWS RDS - Use IAM Authentication (PostgreSQL)
- AWS RDS - Modifying Instance Type (with near to Zero Downtime)(PostgreSQL)
- AWS RDS - Encrypt unencrypted RDS Instance (PostgreSQL)
- AWS RDS - Working with Parameter Groups (PostgreSQL)
- AWS RDS - PostgreSQL - Logging and Audit with pgaudit extension and CloudWatch
- AWS Backup - RDS Cross Region Backup with PITR
- AWS Backup - Create a crash-consistent backup from AWS EC2 with multiple Volumes attached
- AWS Backup - Backup S3 objects cross region with replication
- AWS Backup - Backup EFS Cross Region using Replication
- AWS Backup - Backup EC2 Cross Region with AWS Backup
- AWS Backup - Schedule backups and use Backup Plans
- AWS ECR - Create a Private Repository
- AWS ECR - Apply Image Scanning and Enable Scan on Push
- AWS ECR - Set up Pull Through Cache
- AWS ECS - Set up Private Registry Authentication for Tasks
- AWS ECS - EC2 Cluster Enable Elastic Network Interface Trunking
- AWS ECS - Create a Cluster with the ECS Console Wizard
- AWS ECS - Create a Cluster from scratch with EC2 Autoscaling Capacity Provider
- AWS ECS - Create a Fargate Workload
- AWS WAF - Set up IP Whitelisting with WAF
- AWS IAM - Preventing Privilige Escalation with Permission Boundaries
- AWS Inspector - Scanning EC2 Images for vulnerability detection
- AWS VPC Subnet Network Access Control List - For Web Application Serving EC2 Instance
- AWS GuardDuty - Single Region and Foundational Data Sources
- AWS GuardDuty - Enable Multi Region Findings (AWS Security Hub)
- AWS GuardDuty - Enable ECS Fargate Runtime Monitoring
- AWS CloudTrail - Create Multi Region Trail and Single Region Trail
- AWS Config - Deploy and Use Conformance Packs
- AWS Budgets - Monitor Cloud Spendings
- AWS CloudWatch - Pulbish Metrics and Logs using CloudWatch Agent
- AWS CloudWatch - Send Alarms to Slack Channel
- AWS CloudWatch - Create a Composite Alarm
- AWS CloudWatch - Enable and Use Container Insights
- AWS CloudWatch - Use Syntetics Monitoring for Website Monitoring