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Self hosting wishlist

Steve Phillips edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 6 revisions

List of pain-points encountered on the way to getting Sandstorm to self-host the sandstorm community

  • Role accounts on a sandstorm instance (e.g. for owning the grain that serves the public site)
  • Ability to transfer ownership of a grain (E.g. when one maintainer leaves and wants to hand off to another)
  • Ability to see grains on multiple servers in one place (and ideally, search them)
  • Static hosting of main page in gitweb (like docs)
  • Monitoring / alerting of one instance by another (Nagios should be possible now with the cron api?)
  • Chat service, preferably with a good migration from IRC (matrix / synapse?)
    • Where does RocketChat fall short? --@elimisteve

Wish List

Web Apps


How can we add as many new web apps as possible to Sandstorm, thereby making it much more appealing?

  1. Is it feasible for us to write generic logic to automatically port web apps to Sandstorm?
  • Or perhaps directly use or translate code from elsewhere to bootstrap this process?
    • Ansible playbooks? (Or Chef, Puppet, or SaltStack)
    • Juju charms?
    • Dockerfiles?
    • Kubernetes YAML config files?
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