Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals
Releases Β· sekwah41/Advanced-Portals
2.0.0 (2024-12-11)
- This is a complete recode, features may be missing or different, if there are issues please open an issue on github or contact us about it on discord.
- Permissions have been reworked, if you use a permissions manager you may need to change a few of the permissions
Features β¨
- add a warning for no name being included (106a0ae)
- add abstracted game scheduler (0085733)
- add base repos and portal data (d7e6df2)
- add basic data loading and translations (6d2ed12)
- add basic desti create and remove (c6d644a)
- add command tags (#443) (833399e)
- add cooldown tag that is stored (c9d98b3)
- add debug view for selection (dd7c545)
- add default trigger block if unspecified (c905972)
- add destination and portal services (55de809)
- Add destination teleport subcommand (#420) (7c7dc98)
- add disable beacon sub command (57e27a8)
- add error messages for the destination commands (13a27ca)
- add global cooldown and throwback sounds (9448fd7)
- add list command & update translation colors (33c9221)
- add messages and checks for commnad portal permissions (4fcb9e5)
- add permission tag & compatible block trigger list (6386a89)
- add portal and desti commands (154919f)
- add portal protections (d568f05)
- add show desti command (6629151)
- add support for hex colour codes on spigot (94522c2)
- add support for uppercase color codes as well as &#rrggbb to lang files (166d48b)
- add the ability for tags to reject values (3558629)
- add the ability to have multiple values for a tag (cc9fa20)
- add the ability to split tags based on a splitstring (116c45f)
- added tag priority sorting and delay tag (0044008)
- adding auto complete for tags (c64c342)
- adding debug command (f002c8e)
- auto import the old portals and destinations if the folders don't exist (9f23a61)
- block physics updates inside portal protection zones (bba1418)
- bungee tags (#448) (a70e83b)
- can create basic portals with tags (9ccf7b1)
- center titles based on length (8522215)
- configure portal effects (a2f6574)
- enhance the in portal mitigation (ffddd87)
- make portal and desti implement the same tab auto complete (6921749)
- make services available as singletons (722ef68)
- message tags & priority sorting (#447) (e056a68)
- new tag parser (030ef3a)
- Particle visualising (#467) (0550a4d)
- portal block placing checks surrounding blocks for orientation (ad1ef6c)
- portal placer block rotate tool (1c7d094)
- portals now trigger and nether portals are cancelled (f9f5a9d)
- proxy tag (#451) (dd72123)
- re-implement and clean up permissions (#453) (9030ff5)
- register basic bungee plugin with metrics (d665e1a)
- remap and filter tags (a658e7d)
- see portal info with /portal info (name) (e7b0d5e)
- show triggerblocks in debug view (29b2e27)
- spigot: add command for porting portals and destinations to the new format (7c1a4ce)
- switch files over to using yaml (#427) (5f44e24)
- switch jar to shadow the dependencies to avoid clashes with other plugins (c2b250c)
- temporary player data is now stored for more perma use (805e8dc)
- update lang command to add missing translation keys (10618e2)
Bug Fixes π
- allow null values for auto complete suggestions (412bc4f)
- apply the rotation and pitch of the offset to a tp (ab92ff1)
- check the player is in the same world (8018d68)
- improve auto complete for triggerblock (1292348)
- issues with tab menu capitalisation (81e8876)
- language file duplication (8dd1094)
- permission issue for command portals (5395d76)
- Permission Tag ([#418](
This is not the re-code, I released some breaking config changes for servers that used to rely on the automatic proxy detection.
π₯ Breaking Change
- fix!: disable proxy detection to avoid vulnerabilities (see full commit for more info) #436 (@sekwah41)
- fix: stop portal packets still being forwarded to the client #436 (@sekwah41)
Authors: 1
- Sekwah (@sekwah41)
π Bug Fix
- fix: Remove HAS_WARPED Metadata when logging into a new server #397 (@TreemanKing)
Authors: 1
π Enhancement
- feat: trigger a release for the older version (@sekwah41)
- feat: add multi destination randomisation (@Galster-dev)
π Bug Fix
- fix: something in the old metrics class was triggering certain antivirus #411 (@sekwah41)
- style: Fix Typo #396 (@TreemanKing)
- fix: Add Selector Alias (Wand) in Help Message #387 (@TreemanKing)
- fix: add author for velocity plugin #386 (@TreemanKing)
Authors: 6
- @dependabot[bot]
- @Galster-dev
- @renovate[bot]
- @TreemanKing
- JJ (@omentic)
- Sekwah (@sekwah41)
π Bug Fix
- fix: Removes the false positive warning from McAntiMalware #318 (@sekwah41)
- chore(deps): Update Deps (@renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): Update dependency com.sk89q.worldedit:worldedit-bukkit to v7.2.9 (@renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): Update Deps #316 (@renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): Update dependency gradle to v7.3.3 (@renovate-bot)
Authors: 2
- Sekwah (@sekwah41)
- WhiteSource Renovate (@renovate-bot)
π Enhancement
- feat: WorldEdit Integration, fix logic error #307 (@JOO200)
- feat: Added WorldEdit Integration #307 (@JOO200)
- feat: Adds ability to configure warp message #302 (@maldahleh)
π Bug Fix
- docs: Update changelog (@sekwah41)
Authors: 4
- @JOO200
- Mohammed Al-Dahleh (@maldahleh)
- Sekwah (@sekwah41)
- WhiteSource Renovate (@renovate-bot)