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Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals


01 Sep 16:48
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🚀 Enhancement

  • feat: Allow the ability to disable the proxy warning message #292 (@maldahleh)

🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 2


14 Jul 08:35
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🐛 Bug Fix

  • fix: Issue where portal events activate too early in survival #280 (@sekwah41)
  • chore(deps): update dependency com.velocitypowered:velocity-api to v1.1.9 #278 (@renovate-bot)
  • chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v7.1.1 #277 (@renovate-bot)

Authors: 2


30 Jun 09:23
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🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 2


27 Jun 20:29
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🚀 Enhancement

  • feat: Added missing commands from tab complete #270 (@sekwah41)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • chore(deps): update dependency to v1.16-r0.4 #269 (@renovate-bot)
  • chore(ci): removed verbose mode for release (@sekwah41)
  • chore(deps): update dependency to v2.8.7 #262 (@renovate-bot)
  • chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v6.9 #267 (@renovate-bot)
  • chore(deps): update dependency com.velocitypowered:velocity-api to v1.1.8 #266 (@renovate-bot)

Authors: 2


27 Jun 18:21
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🐛 Bug Fix

Authors: 2

Added Velocity Modern Forwarding Support

20 May 23:27
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As the title says. Check for full changelogs.

Just a notice we likely won't be keeping the released up to date unless I automate it. So check for all available versions and the above changelogs to see what features are added in each version.

Added Velocity Support

30 Dec 03:47
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Added support for Velocity.

Also fixed some issues with entity teleporting.

Fixed issue with command portals multi triggering

27 Oct 11:07
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  • Added fix for command portals spam triggering if they didn't teleport you out.
  • Made portals not activate if you were teleported into them by another portal (to allow linking zones like a star trek warp pad)

Extra checks added to help slow join connections

16 Jul 23:01
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  • Extra checks added by @tmantti to fix slow connections to new servers from activating the destination location too quick.

Fixed packet exploit

02 Jul 02:05
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  • Fixed packet exploit affecting destinations (only effecting versions 0.5.0 to 0.5.5).

I was only notified about this earlier today. Luckily only destinations were effected, so people were only able to teleport users to set destinations forcefully. The fixes will disable advanced features for anyone who doesn't have bungee setup correctly to protect the users not using bungee especially.

Who is effected? Anyone using 0.5.0 to 0.5.5. Upgrading should fix it all.

It seems that this specific issue is quite widespread so you may want to check any plugins that use bungee packets to trigger features. Thanks to nyxoh for pointing this issue out.

This effects servers both using and not using bungee so everyone should update to avoid this issue. It seems these checks are not carried out on quite a few plugins so be cautious if you have any plugins that communicate with bungee in some way (though I am unsure if bungee will capture it, you may be just at risk if you don't use bungee).

In the future to avoid possibly worse issues than this, more testing will be going on, especially surrounding features that use packets. I feel its better to be open and clear about this rather than quietly sweep it under the rug.