V2.2.4 Update documentation links for hand, hand+arm release
What's Changed
- Sp 196 update ansible reqs by @BenStarmerSmith in #440
- Added new documentation version, new requirements file by @BenStarmerSmith in #446
- Updated some requirements by @BenStarmerSmith in #448
- Added boto for molecule images by @BenStarmerSmith in #449
- Added more testing reqs by @BenStarmerSmith in #452
- Suppressed the log via no_log by @BenStarmerSmith in #447
- Removed ros_entrypoint from Icon Scripts by @BenStarmerSmith in #454
- Aurora can use local images by @BenStarmerSmith in #453
- Fixing logging output by @biofotis in #457
- Refactor playbooks roles by @BenStarmerSmith in #456
- Refactor Icon Templates by @BenStarmerSmith in #455
- Added new api call to get hand+glove. by @BenStarmerSmith in #459
- More tools installed to server and images by @BenStarmerSmith in #460
- Fixed indent that was affecting server_and_nuc simulation icons. by @BenStarmerSmith in #465
- Create LICENSE by @biofotis in #467
- Jammying aurora by @maxzieba in #461
- Add yubikey requirements by @BenStarmerSmith in #463
- update path by @georgiablanco in #468
- Added new documentation for hand+glove. by @BenStarmerSmith in #464
- Allow multiple aurora setups on one device. by @BenStarmerSmith in #466
- Fixed quadruple bracket mistake. by @BenStarmerSmith in #470
- Add new product glove_hand_e, added simulation folder for server_and_nuc by @BenStarmerSmith in #471
- Removed Biotac specific requirements. by @BenStarmerSmith in #472
- Fix icon name and glove calibration by @BenStarmerSmith in #473
- Added the role to add the shadow_glove_driver. by @BenStarmerSmith in #474
- Moved the command to create the container after the shared volumes. by @BenStarmerSmith in #475
- Fixed yubikey repo not being added to new machines. by @BenStarmerSmith in #476
- Fixed the molecule EC2 tests. by @BenStarmerSmith in #477
- Removing running roscore and glove driver from calibration icon by @jeferal in #478
- Update documentation for devel by @BenStarmerSmith in #480
- Added hand+glove documentation by @BenStarmerSmith in #481
- Fixed Sim Icons, Added Watchdog, fixed error by @BenStarmerSmith in #482
- Fix error in bash script oneliner. by @BenStarmerSmith in #485
- Remove Cyberglove and Client from Teleop by @BenStarmerSmith in #484
- Added new Hand+Config Updater by @BenStarmerSmith in #486
- Updated the documentation for Aurora. by @BenStarmerSmith in #488
- Fix udev rules for hand+glove by @BenStarmerSmith in #492
- Stopped close everything from closing dolphin launcher by @devops-shadow in #490
- Cleaned up the advanced launcher by @BenStarmerSmith in #493
- Renamed Desktop Icon by @BenStarmerSmith in #494
- Fix release bugs by @BenStarmerSmith in #496
- Updated all Aurora changes to add licences and fix linter issues. by @BenStarmerSmith in #498
- Added new links to hand_e and hand_lite documentation by @BenStarmerSmith in #499
- Updated the documentation for aurora and split some of the content. by @BenStarmerSmith in #500
- Fixed bug with Icons pointing to old package. by @BenStarmerSmith in #504
- Altered close everything to make hand calibrate by @BenStarmerSmith in #502
- Make Aurora pull documentation from S3 and only use online links by @BenStarmerSmith in #506
- Added a default customer key with limited permissions for pulling docs and image by @BenStarmerSmith in #507
- Added missing roslog format by @BenStarmerSmith in #508
- Fix teleop icons by @BenStarmerSmith in #510
- Added escape for roslog format. by @BenStarmerSmith in #511
- Added new feature to check the stability of Nivida During oneliners by @BenStarmerSmith in #512
- Fixed some long-standing issues with docker_deploy by @BenStarmerSmith in #513
- Updated the docs links by @BenStarmerSmith in #514
- Fixed issue where it would install shadow_glove always. by @BenStarmerSmith in #515
- Fixed issue caused by refactor of docker_deploy by @BenStarmerSmith in #516
- Remove biotacs from Aurora by @BenStarmerSmith in #517
- Fixed close_everything icon when hand hasn't launched by @BenStarmerSmith in #520
- Remove redundant inventories by @georgiablanco in #518
- Fix bug with NUC RQT Icon by @BenStarmerSmith in #521
- Renaming glove calibration plugin in aurora by @georgiablanco in #519
- Remove shadow-glove calibration by @BenStarmerSmith in #523
- Added System Test Icon to Aurora by @BenStarmerSmith in #522
- Add missing demo icons and fix local launch by @BenStarmerSmith in #525
- Finalise release 2.2.0 by @BenStarmerSmith in #529
- Remove glove calibration by @BenStarmerSmith in #530
- removing left and right arm example icons by @georgiablanco in #534
- Add new customer scenes to arm/teleop products. by @BenStarmerSmith in #533
- Added internet check and timeout to sr_hand_config pull script. Renamed Teleop Icons by @BenStarmerSmith in #537
- Update documentation links by @BenStarmerSmith in #539
- Removed forward slash from folder location in S3 task to pull docs by @BenStarmerSmith in #544
- Fixed issue with steamvr's image installation by @BenStarmerSmith in #545
- Added new pre-checks to NUC to ensure Intel Turbo Boost is enabled by @BenStarmerSmith in #542
- Make it so Aurora automatically marks our desktop files to execute by @BenStarmerSmith in #547
- Made it clearer when Aurora fails and need to be rebooted by @BenStarmerSmith in #546
- Added warning to Unimanual Launching of Bimanual Hand and Arm system by @BenStarmerSmith in #541
- Added team-viewer to install by default by @BenStarmerSmith in #548
- Fix the scene issue in aurora that caused left arm unimanual to be on the floor by @BenStarmerSmith in #549
- F test no pinned cryptography by @carebare47 in #555
- update documentation links for hand, hand+arm, also ### Hand and Arm … by @Athen-Player1 in #554
Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.2.4