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Tutorial: (Method) Transform Vanilla Items into Executable Items

Special70 edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 8 revisions

Tutorial to how to Transform Vanilla Items into Executable Items


  • This method will only work if you have the premium version

  • Requirements:

    • Executable Items Premium

1) Decide what vanilla item do you want to transform

  • For this tutorial, we will use a Diamond Sword.

2) Run the /ei create command

  • I want to be more organized so I will add "VANILLA" in the end. Its item id does not matter. What matters is that you run the command with a clean vanilla item

3) Setup the activator

  • The Delay must be set to 5 and DelayTick set to true to make the activator check as fast as possible. (5 tick delay is the shortest possible for the plugin)
  • Go to the detailedSlots
  • Enable all slots so it would replace the item whatever the slot the vanilla item is at
  • Don't forget to press save

4) Set Usage to 0 and Usage Modification to -1

  • The usage must be 0 so the activator with usage modification of -1 can delete the item

5) Write the ff. Commands

  • This is the part where the activator replaces the vanilla item with an ei item that you created
- ei take %player% DIAMOND_SWORD_VANILLA %amount%-1
- ei giveslot %player% MMO_DIAMOND_SWORD %amount%
  • The ei item "MMO_DIAMOND_SWORD" is the item id of the ei item I'm going to replace the Diamond Sword with


  1. What are the purpose of the 2 commands?
  • A: The ei take command runs a checkitem placeholder that deletes the vanilla items, The ei giveslot gives you the correct items in the correct slots.
  1. Why use complicated commands and placeholders if we can just set the usage modification to -1 and use the ei giveslot command instead to make things easier?
  • A: It will only work at items that are not stacked. Stacked items will have issues and will not be converted in one go.

6) Save the activator

  • This is not the last part. Just save the activator first or you might have to start back to step 3.

7) Go to your item file

  • Add the itemRecognition options.
  • What it does is that it reads the material, name and lore of the item. Since you registered/created the ei item while holding the vanilla item in your hand, the name and lore of the ei item will be blank and since vanilla items naturally don't have names and lores, it will consider the vanilla item as an executable item, replacing the vanilla item with the executable item you want to replace with.

The items did not work or you were confused? Download the item files from here. (The material of the items are in stone so you can observe that the stacked vanilla items are converted into ei items properly.

If the guide wasn't clear enough or there was a mistake, please contact me (Special70#7668) in discord.

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