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Install the development version of mcATAC:



You can make sure the dependencies are installed by running:


The pacakge assumes that a few standard unix tools are installed and available at your PATH: grep, awk, zcat, sed, sort, head, tail, wc, and uniq. In addition, samtools should also be installed. If tabix is available some functions would operate faster.

Note that samtools and tabix are bundled with the cellranger package, so you can make them available to your PATH by running:

Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(Sys.getenv("PATH"), ":", file.path(cell_ranger_path, "external/anaconda/bin")))


if (!dir.exists("pbmc_data")) {

Import ATAC dataset

atac_sc <- import_from_10x("pbmc_data", genome = "hg38", id = "PBMC", description = "PBMC from a healthy donor - granulocytes removed through cell sorting (10k)")
#> • Importing matrix
#> ℹ Imported a matrix of 11909 cells and 144978 features
#> • Importing features
#> ℹ Removed 107861 ATAC peaks which were all zero
#> ℹ 107861 ATAC peaks
#> ! removed 32 peaks from the following chromosome(s) which are missing from hg38: 'KI270727.1, GL000194.1, GL000205.2, GL000195.1, GL000219.1, KI270734.1, KI270721.1, KI270726.1, KI270713.1'
#> ✔ successfully imported to an ScPeaks object with 11909 cells and 107829 ATAC peaks
#> <ScPeaks> object with 11909 cells and 107829 ATAC peaks from hg38.
#> id: "PBMC"
#> description: "PBMC from a healthy donor - granulocytes removed through cell
#> sorting (10k)"
#> Loaded from:
#> '/net/mraid14/export/tgdata/users/yonshap/proj/matching/data/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/matrix.mtx'
#> Slots include:
#>   • `@mat`: a numeric matrix where rows are peaks and columns are cells. Can be
#>   a sparse matrix.
#>   • `@peaks`: a misha intervals set with the peak definitions.
#>   • `@genome`: genome assembly of the peaks

Filter peaks by coverage and/or length

Plot the length distribution:


Plot the coverage distribution:



atac_sc <- filter_features(atac_sc = atac_sc, minimal_max_umi = 3, min_peak_length = 200, max_peak_length = 1000)
#> • 8544 features were shorter than 200bp
#> • 37160 features were longer than 1000bp
#> • 676 features had a maximal UMI count less than 3
#> ✔ Removed 46380 peaks out of 107829 (43%). The object is left with 61449 peaks.

Identify outliers using coverage density:

plot_peak_coverage_density(atac_sc) + geom_hline(yintercept = 250, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")

atac_sc <- filter_features(atac_sc, max_peak_density = 250)
#> • 107 features had a peak density of more than 250 UMIs per 100bp
#> ! Adding to previous ignore policy (46380 peaks).
#> ✔ Removed 107 peaks out of 107829 (0%). The object is left with 61342 peaks (43%).

Project RNA metacells

#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   cell_id            metacell
#>   <chr>                 <int>
#> 1 AAACAGCCAATCCCTT-1       44
#> 2 AAACAGCCAATGCGCT-1       22
#> 3 AAACAGCCACCAACCG-1        7
#> 4 AAACAGCCAGGATAAC-1       24
#> 5 AAACAGCCAGTTTACG-1       32
#> 6 AAACATGCAAGGTCCT-1       30
atac_mc <- project_atac_on_mc(atac_sc, cell_to_metacell_pbmc_example)
#> ℹ 3198 cells (out of 11909) do not have a metacell and have been removed.
#> • Setting egc cell size to 67733 (the 0.1 quantile of metacell sizes)
#> ✔ Created a new McPeaks object with 97 metacells and 61342 ATAC peaks.
#> <McPeaks> object with 97 metacells and 61342 ATAC peaks from hg38.
#> id: "PBMC"
#> description: "PBMC from a healthy donor - granulocytes removed through cell
#> sorting (10k)"
#> Slots include:
#>   • `@mat`: a numeric matrix where rows are peaks and columns are metacells.
#>   Can be a sparse matrix.
#>   • `@peaks`: a misha intervals set with the peak definitions.
#>   • `@genome`: genome assembly of the peaks
#>   • `@egc`: a numeric matrix which contains normalized metacell accessibility.
#>   • `@fp`: a matrix showing for each peak (row) the relative enrichment of umis
#>   in log2 scale.
#> <McPeaks> object with 97 metacells and 61342 ATAC peaks from hg38.
#> id: "PBMC"
#> description: "PBMC from a healthy donor - granulocytes removed through cell
#> sorting (10k)"
#> Slots include:
#>   • `@mat`: a numeric matrix where rows are peaks and columns are metacells.
#>   Can be a sparse matrix.
#>   • `@peaks`: a misha intervals set with the peak definitions.
#>   • `@genome`: genome assembly of the peaks
#>   • `@egc`: a numeric matrix which contains normalized metacell accessibility.
#>   • `@fp`: a matrix showing for each peak (row) the relative enrichment of umis
#>   in log2 scale.

Add metadata

atac_mc <- add_mc_metadata(atac_mc, mcmd)

Import RNA expression data

atac_mc <- add_mc_rna(atac_mc, rna_mc_mat)
plot_atac_rna(atac_mc, "GZMK")
#> → The gene "GZMK" has 2 alternative promoters.

#> → removing 7543 genes with no RNA expression in any metacell.
#> → removing 23451 genes with no RNA expression (log2) of above -13 in any metacell.
#> → removing 3534 genes with no fold change (log2) of above 2 in any metacell.
#> ℹ 5191 genes left for consideration.
#> ✔ 100 marker genes selected.
#> ℹ Ordering metacells based on 'CA6' vs 'LYN'
#> ℹ Maintaining metacell order within cell types
#> ✔ marker matrix of 100 genes x 97 metacells created.
#> → Creating ATAC matrix by finding for each marker gene the ATAC peak that is most correlated to it.

See more at the vignette


Metacell analysis for ATAC data



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