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Jens Engel edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 1 revision


In PARODIS, the controller object handles the MPC optimisation problem. This includes the handling of constraints, the generation of the expression of the cost function that is to be minimied by a solver, and the parameters on which the optimisation problem depends. It also retrieves realised and predicted disturbance values.

The controller is interfaced during the simulation in three ways. Initially, the simulation will trigger the preparation and compilation of the optimization problem (latter only if the SymbolicController is used), after an Agent has been fully defined. Then it will call the controller to retrieve the predicted disturbances for the current simulation step. And finally, it will be called to retrieve an optimal input for the system using the getInput function.

Public Properties

Property Value type Description
type (readonly) string The controller type, i.e. 'symbolic', 'explicit', 'pareto'
config struct Controller-type specific configurations
weightSyms [] symbolic variables for cost function weights
paramSyms struct symbolic variables for parameters
paramConfig struct source configuration for parameters
constraints [] fixed YALMIP constraints
implicitConstraints [] Implicitly defined constraints, i.e. those defined using function handles
boxConstraintsTemp cell cell array of box constraint descriptions
deltaConstraintsTemp cell cell array of delta constraint descriptions
callbackTempConstraints function_handle callback to set temporary constraints right before solver call
callbackManipulateInput function_handle callback to manipulate input retrieved from solver
yalmipOptions sdpsettings YALMIP options object
predDisturbanceSource string/function_handle source for predicted disturbances
realDisturbanceSource string/function_handle source for realised disturbances
defaultWeights [] default weights assumed for cost functions
numScenarios integer number of scenarios to be considered
costFunctions cell list of cost function instances
costFunctionIndexes struct mapping for cost function name to the internal index
costExpression sdpvar(1,1) YALMIP sdpvar expression of total optimization cost
costExpressions cell YALMIP expression for each cost function
slackVariables struct slack variables introduced by cost functions

Retrieving an Input

PARODIS makes use of the YALMIP optimizer object. Initially, PARODIS will collect all information regarding the optimization problem, meaning it will collect all parameters, constraints, slack variables and cost functions. All these things are symbolic. When an agent is initialised, it will call its controller's compile() function, which will build all remaining symbolic expressions (i.e. building actual box and delta constraint expression and the symbolic expression for the total cost function) and will generate a optimizer object from this data. This will pre-compile the optimization problem, which takes some time, but will makes repeated solving of the parameterized optimization problem very efficient.

To retrieve an input (and the value set to the slack variables), the controller's getInput method is called:

[uPred, slacks, code] = getInput(obj, weights, x0, agent, [additionalConstraints = [] ])

The third output is the YALMIP error code of the solved problem (0 = successfully solved). If no additional constraint are passed, and the temporary constraint callback isn't set, and the calling agent isn't running in debug mode, this optimizer object will be passed. Otherwise, the much slower YALMIP optimize() function will be used.

Please note, that the getInput method will replace any symbolic parameters by their assumed numerical value stored in the passed agent's status. This means, that getInput can only be called after the parameter values and disturbance predictions have been retrieved.

Temporary Constraints

If your model has structurally time variant constraints, that can't be defined statically using parameters, you can make use of the temporary constraints callback.

[constraints] = callbackTempConstraints(agent)

If the callback is defined, it will be called right before the optimisation problem is solved. The callback must return a matrix of valid YALMIP constraints. The constraints will be added to the optimisation problem, which is then solved. Since after the optimizer compilation, no constraints can be added to the optimizer without rebuilding it,** using the temporar constraint callback will always imply the use of YALMIPs slower optimize function**.

Input Manipulation

If you want to manipulate the input retrieved by the solver, this can be achieved using the input manipulation callback.

uPred = callbackManipulateInput(controller, uPred, agent)

The callback will be called right after uPred has been retrieved within getInput. Note that the manipulated input must have the same dimensions as the original input.