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jengstud edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 3 revisions


sim = Simulation(name, T_sim, [addTimestamp = false], [resultsDirectory = [pwd filesep 'Results']]);

The simulation object represents the actual set simulation. It handles the simulation execution and shared information between the agents.

A simulation is defined by the simulation time T_sim, the agents that should be simulated and the plots that should be produced.

The actual simulation is run as a discrete for loop over the simulation time, with the time step between global steps being the time step of the slowest agent. Inside this loop, the actual local simulation steps take place in a secondary loop where the agents are called in order and frequency proportional to the relation of their time step size to each other. I.e., the slowest agents executes first, the second slowest second, the third slowest third. The slowest agent $i = 1$ is executed once, the second agent $i = 2$ is executed a total of $T_{s,1}/T_{s,2}$ times, but after each execution of $i = 2$, agent $i = 3$ will execute $T_{s,2}/T_{s,3}$ many times, etc.

Since the fractions $T_{s,i-1}/T_{s,i}$ must be integers, the time steps of the agents must be even multiples of each other. This also ensures that all agents have a small lowest common multiple at which the agents meet.

Note that the first time step in the horizon time steps (agent.config.T_s) defines the agent's local simulation time step.

Partitioning the simulation loop into an outer global loop and a inner local loop makes it easy to track and highlight the moment all agents are aligned. For distributed or hierarchical control algorithms, this moment can be used to update information across agents (e.g. adjusting diverted states) or to negotiate a consensus trajectory for the next iterations.



Property Type Description
T_sim scalar simulation time
simulationName string simulation name for storing result
agents struct struct of agents added to the simulation
initialSeed integer initial seed for seeding random number generator
timestepSeeds [] seed generated for each timestep for better reproduceability
negotiationOrder function_handle fixed negotation order
negotiationCallback function_handle callback for user defined negotiation
resultDirectory string directory in which to store simulation results, default is name + timestamp (if enabled) + "/Results/", if resultDirectory not set in constructor
shared struct data shared between agents
progress struct simulation progress data
plots cell list of figures to be plotted
config struct simulation configuration


Property Type Description
T_s_max scalar largest time step between all agents
logFileHandle integer File handle of the log file of the simulation


Property Type Description
loopOrder [] agent call order within a timestep
k_sim integer current global timestep


Field Default Description
enablePlots true Enable/disable plotting
livePlot true Enable/disable live plotting (so at each agent timestep) globally
storeResults true Enable/disable storing of simulation results
storePlots true Enable/disable storing of plots
autoSave false If false auto save is disabled. To enable, set autoSave to number of steps between auto saving. E.g. autoSave = 100 will cause PARODIS to auto save results every 100 steps
doCopyCSVSources false Enable/disable copying csv-sources once (at the beginning) to 'Results/simulationName/sources'
doCopyCallingScript true Enable/disable copying script from which runSimulation() is called to 'Results/simulationName/'


At the beginning of each global time step, before local iteration begins, a negotiation between the agents can take place. The agents each can define a negotiation callback, with which the user can define how each agent engages in the negotiation. See the Agent documentation for more detailed information about the callback.

The negotiation can happen in one of two ways:

  • A fixed call order, defined in negotiationOrder, where each entry in the cell array is the name of an agent. The agents' doNegotiation method will be called in the exact order defined in the array.
  • A user defined negotiationCallback can be set. If it is set, it overrides the fixed negotiation order (if it was set). The callback is passed the simulation object as an argument, which enables the user to access and manipulate the entire simulation state, if necessary. That way, any arbitrary consensus algorithm can be implemented.

Exchanging information between agents

To exchange information between agents, especially during negotiation, the simulation object offers the shared struct as a public property. Agents can freely store and read information in and from this struct. Note that the struct will be cleared after each global simulation step has been performed.

Progressing (update of status in Matlab command window)

To have a direct look at the simulation's progress, the current state of the simulation loop as well as of the agents is printed in the Matlab command window. To this end, a structure progress is stored as a class property and updated within the simulation loop. progress has ... fields:

Fieldname Description
currentProgress Char array with current progress message.
previousProgress Char array with former/previous progress message
loopAgentStep Vector with as many entries as there are agents. Integer value for each agent with its current loop step.
loopAgentStepMax Vector with as many entries as there are agents. Integer value for each agent with maximum number of steps in simulation loop.
negotiationStep TODO: not implemented yet
overallInPercent Overall simulation progress in percent
previousDebug TODO: Do we need this? not used so far
previousDebug TODO: Do we need this? not used so far

Printing the progress inside the command window without constantly adding new lines is done by deleting the previous message before printing the new one. This is achieved by.... TODO