Added a seperate thread to update currentStreetName and speedlimit every 500ms, replacing the old function.
Added pedLocation() for formatting 'Street, Zone' when sending a notification, instead of everytime we update the street name.
Cleaned up and removed redundant code.
Only trigger vehicleData() when sending a notification, rather than every loop.
Speeding notifications now require you to be speeding for 0.8ms to trigger.
Shooting notifications now check if the weapon is blacklisted first.
Autotheft notifications now work for parked vehicles and are more consistent.
Changed the vehicleClass if statements to a table (much tidier).
Performance issues have been resolved:
Memory usage was getting to ~900KiB, now sits around half that.
CPU usage was sitting around 0.03ms while in a vehicle and spiking to 0.05ms; now down to 0.01ms with 0.02ms spikes.