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lodcloud diagram ckan metadata

Tim L edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 32 revisions

What we will cover

This page describes how to assert the metadata that the lodcould diagram requires. It is intended to help address outstanding issues.

What is first

  • This page has the same intent as and a W3C wiki page, i.e., to describe what metadata should be provided (and how).
  • will check a dataset for the metadata expected by the LODCloud diagram.
  • I ramble at length about my less-than-awesome experiences using CKAN.
  • is a SADI service (or command line) that will return an RDF description of any CKAN dataset. Its results are much nicer than that provided by default CKAN installations and by; it uses best-practice vocabularies and "unpacks" the CKAN-y incantations that this page shows you how to make.

Let's get to it

This list is incomplete and will develop as the need arises.


A URI that is a common string prefix of all the entity URIs in a void:Dataset [VoID]. For example, and are two URIs that share the namespace

Edit the CKAN entry to add a "key"=namespace and "value" of, e.g., For example, the following screen shot shows adding a namespace at :

entering the namespace

An appropriate RDF expression of the same information would look like the following:

@prefix void:     <> .
@prefix datafaqs: <> .

   a void:Dataset, datafaqs:CKANDataset;
   void:uriSpace <>;

SPARQL Endpoint

Add a [ckan] Resource with "format"=api/sparql and "name"=SPARQL Endpoint and "URL" of the SPARQL endpoint.

What is next