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Jens Keim edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

In addition to the parameters from BaseAttack the DDoSAttack currently supports the following attack parameters:

Field name Type Description
attack.duration IntegerPositive Duration of the attack in seconds
attackers.count IntegerPositive Number of attackers
ip.dst IPAddress IP address of the victim
ip.src IPAddress IP address of the attacker
latency.max Float Latency maximum for reply packets
mac.dst MACAddress MAC address of the victim
mac.src MACAddress MAC address of the attacker
packets.per-second Float Number of packets sent per second by the attacker
port.dst Port Ports to be attacked
port.src Port Ports used by the attacker
victim.buffer IntegerPositive Number of replies the victim can send before breaking to the DDoS