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Extended ID2T Statistics DB: Tables

Stefano Acquaviti edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

Querying the SQLite database by standard SQL queries requires knowledge about the database scheme. Therefore we provide following an overview about the tables and fields.

Table: file_statistics

This table contains general information about the dataset.

Field Name Description
packetCount Number of packets in the dataset
captureDuration The duration of the capture formatted as "milliseconds.microseconds"
timestampFirstPacket Timestamp of the first packet in the capture, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS
timestampLastPacket Timestamp of the last packet in the capture, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS
avgPacketRate The average packet rate per second over all hosts, calculated as packetCount divided by captureDuration
avgPacketSize The average packet size over all hosts
avgPacketSentPerHost The average number of packets sent over all hosts
avgBandwidthIn The average incoming bandwidth over all hosts
avgBandwidthOut The average outgoing bandwidth over all hosts

Table: ip_statistics

This table contains general IP statistics related to a specific IP address.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host these statistics belong to
kybtesSent KBytes of data sent
kybtesReceived KBytes of data received
pktsSent Number of packets sent
pktsReceived Number of packets received
maxPktRate The maximum sending/receiving packet rate
minPktRate The minimum sending/receiving packet rate
ipClass The class of the host IP, e.g. A,B,C

Table: conv_statistics

This table contains general converstaions (connections) statistics.

Field Name Description
ipAddressA IP Address of the host A
portA The used port on host A
ipAddressB IP Address of the host B
portB The used port on host B
pktsCount Number of packets exchanged
avgPktRate The average packet rate
avgDelay The average delay in first three packets (TCP handshake)
minDelay The minimum delay in first three packets (TCP handshake)
maxDelay The maximum delay in first three packets (TCP handshake)

Table: interval_statistics

This table contains a collection of statistics in interval-wise.

Field Name Description
lastPktTimestamp Timestamp of the last packet in the interval
pktsCount Packets count in the interval
kBytes KBytes of data in the interval
ipSrcEntropy Source IPs entropy
ipDstEntropy Destination IPs entropy
ipSrcCumEntropy Source IPs cumulative entropy
ipDstCumEntropy Destination IPs cumulative entropy
payloadCount Packets count that contain payload
incorrectTCPChecksumCount Incorrect TCP checksums count
correctTCPChecksumCount Correct TCP checksums count
newIPCount Novel IPs count
newPortCount Novel ports count
newTTLCount Novel TTL values count
newWinSizeCount Novel Window Size values count
newToSCount Novel ToS values count
newMSSCount Novel MSS values count

Table: ip_mac

This table contains information about the used MAC adress for a given IP address. A MAC Address may be used by several IP addresses, for example, in an virtualized environment.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
macAddress MAC Address of the host

Table: ip_ports

This table provides information about the used TCP/UDP ports.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
portDirection If data was received on this port "in", if data was sent from this port "out"
portNumber Port number
portCount Number of packets using this port
byteCount Number of bytes transmitted using this port
portProtocol Name of the protocol, e.g. TCP, UDP
portService Name of the service using this port

Table: ip_protocols

This table contains statistics about the protocol usage.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
protocolName Name of the protocol, e.g. TCP, UDP, IPv4
protocolCount Number of packets using this protocol
byteCount Number of bytes sent using this protocol

Table: ip_ttl

This table contains TTL statistics.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
ttlValue TTL value
ttlCount Number of packets using this TTL value

Table: tcp_mss

This table contains statistics about the used MSS values.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
mssValue Maximum Segment Size (TCP option) used by the host
mssCount Number of packets using this MSS value

Table: tcp_win

This table contains statistics about the used Window Size values.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
winSize Window Size used by the host
winCount Number of packets using this Window Size value

Table: ip_tos

This table contains statistics about the used ToS values.

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host
tosValue Type of Service used by the host
tosCount Number of packets using this ToS value

Table: unrecognized_pdus

This table contains statistics about unrecognized PDUs.

Field Name Description
srcMac MAC Address of the host
dstMac MAC Address of the target
etherType The Ethertype number in decimal
pktCount Number of occurrences of the packet
timestampLastOccurrence Timestamp of the last occurrence of the packet, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS