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1 Optics ‐ Lenses and prisms
Historically Issie did not use deeply nested record types so there was little motivation to use lenses. As it got more complex the need for a better way to do nested record update properly became apparent, and this has now been implemented with an optics library Common/Optics
taken with small modifications from https://github.com/xyncro/aether
For an (easy) read that motivates Optics see this blog post. There are many other more precise descriptions.
Currently minimal use is made of Optics, see Symbol.selectSymbols
for an example of this - using standard naming name_
is the name of a lens to access record field Name
. The Lens
definitions are in DrawModeType
- after the relevant record types.
Expect much more use in the future.
The following introduction is an expanded Tutorial on basic Lens use and some notes on Issie conventions which should be followed.
Optics are an alternative (functional) way to access and update fields of records. F# has built-in update syntax which becomes very unpleasant when updating nested records. Optics are about the same as F# built-in for single-level field access, and much clearer for deeply nested fields: they also work well for pipelined operations.
The key to using optics properly is to make the Lenses that combine field get and (immutable) update functions with 100% standard names (derived from the field names).
Here is an example:
open Optics // top-level modules containing Optics library. Should be opened whenever lenses are used.
type Appearance = {
Color: Color
Opacity: float
let color_ = Lens.create (fun a -> a.Color) (fun c a -> {a with Color = c}
let opacity_ = Lens.create (fun a -> a.Opacity) (fun o a -> { a with Opacity = o}
type Thing = {
Appearance: Appearance
Pos: float
let appearance_ = Lens.create (fun t -> t.Appearance) (fun a t -> {t with Appearance = a}
let pos_ = Lens.create (fun t -> t.Pos) (fun p t -> { t with Pos = t}
There are three operations on fields of a record we can now do the standard F# way, or using optics:
open Optics
let thing: Thing = ...
let newPos = 2.4
let changeP (pos:float) = pos + 1.
// getting the value of a field
let thingPos = Thing.Pos // standard way
let pos = Optic.get pos_ thing // using Optics
// setting the value of a field
let thing' = {thing with Pos = newPos} // standard way
let thing' = Optic.set pos_ newPos thing // using Optics
// mapping a function over a field
let thing' = {thing with Pos = changeP thing.Pos} // standard way
let thing' = Optic.map pos_ changeP thing // using Optics
From which we see that for single field access Optics are slightly simpler for map
, about the same for update
, and more noisy for get
Why use optics? Because they can be combined simply to implement nested record operations!
The noise coming from the Optic functions can be reduced by using operators:
open Optics
open Operators // for the operators
Optic.get = ^.
Optic.set = ^=
Optic.map = ^%
// getting the value of a field
let pos = pos_ ^. thing // using Optics
// setting the value of a field
let thing' = (pos_ ^= newPos) thing // using Optics
// mapping a function over a field
let thing' = (pos_ ^% changeP) thing // using Optics
If Optics are used everywhere and all maintainers trained this is possibly a good idea, the operators are easy to remember. Against this, for those not familiar with them, they are completely opaque.
Alternatively, the Optic
submodule can be opened:
open Optics
open Optic // for get,set,map without qualifier
// getting the value of a field
let pos = get pos_ thing // using Optics
// setting the value of a field
let thing' = set pos_ newPos thing // using Optics
// mapping a function over a field
let thing' = map pos_ changeP thing // using Optics
My preference is not to use the operators (except for >->
which is used to combine Optics), nor to open Optic
, as shown in the example below. This makes the use of Optics very transparent at the expense of some repetitive noise.
Lenses defined in DrawBlock/DrawModelType.fs
These definitions are completely standard with names derived from the relevant field - and could be auto-generated from the record types.
// Lenses for fields of Sheet.Model
let scrollingLastMousePos_ =
Lens.create (fun m -> m.ScrollingLastMousePos) (fun w m -> {m with ScrollingLastMousePos = w})
let lastMousePos_ =
Lens.create (fun m -> m.LastMousePos) (fun w m -> {m with LastMousePos = w})
let screenScrollPos_ =
Lens.create (fun m -> m.ScreenScrollPos) (fun w m -> {m with ScreenScrollPos = w})
let lastMousePosForSnap_ =
Lens.create (fun m -> m.LastMousePosForSnap) (fun w m -> {m with LastMousePosForSnap = w})
let canvasSize_ =
Lens.create (fun m -> m.CanvasSize) (fun w m -> {m with CanvasSize = w})
// Lens for field of Sheet.XYPosMov. Definition local to Sheet not to be confused with Symbol pos_
let pos_ = Lens.create (fun m -> m.Pos) (fun w m -> {m with Pos = w})
Code using these lenses from DrawBlock/sheet.fs
/// Check that canvas is large enough to have space all round the visible area.
/// If not, then change model by moving circuit on canvas and/or extending canvas.
/// Keep components in same visible position during this process.
/// returns new model with all positions updated if need be.
let ensureCanvasExtendsBeyondScreen model : Model =
let boxParas = Constants.boxParameters
let edge = getScreenEdgeCoords model
let box =
symbolWireBBUnion model
|> addBoxMargin boxParas.CanvasExtensionFraction boxParas.BoxMin
let quant = boxParas.CanvasExtensionFraction * min box.H box.W
let newSize =
|> List.map (fun x -> x + 4.*quant)
|> List.max
|> max model.CanvasSize
let bottomRight = box.TopLeft + {X=box.W;Y=box.H}
let size = model.CanvasSize
let xIsOk = box.TopLeft.X > 0. && bottomRight.X < size
let yIsOk = box.TopLeft.Y > 0. && bottomRight.Y < size
if xIsOk && yIsOk then
let circuitMove =
|> (fun bb ->
let centre = bb.Centre()
X = if xIsOk then 0. else newSize/2.- centre.X
Y = if yIsOk then 0. else newSize/2. - centre.Y
//printfn $"scroll move = {newSize}:({circuitMove.X},{circuitMove.Y})"
match canvasDiv, model.ScreenScrollPos + circuitMove*model.Zoom with
| Some el, pos ->
el.scrollLeft <- pos.X
el.scrollTop <- pos.Y
| None,_-> ()
let posDelta :(XYPos -> XYPos) = ((+) circuitMove)
let posScreenDelta :(XYPos -> XYPos) = ((+) (circuitMove*model.Zoom))
|> moveCircuit circuitMove
|> Optic.map screenScrollPos_ posDelta
|> Optic.set canvasSize_ newSize
|> Optic.map screenScrollPos_ posScreenDelta
|> Optic.map lastMousePos_ posDelta
|> Optic.map lastMousePosForSnap_ posDelta
|> Optic.map (scrollingLastMousePos_ >-> pos_) posDelta // note two lenses combined to
// map over field of subrecord
Optics start to make a lot of sense when operations on nested records are needed, or when operations are pipelined:
open Optics
open Operators // for >->
let thing' =
|> (fun thing ->
{thing with Appearance = {thing.Appearance with Color = changeC thing.Appearance.Color}}) // standard way
let thing' =
|> Optic.map (appearance_ >-> color_) changeC
This example is the one Optics work best for , get
and set
are not so unpleasant done the standard way, but still less noisy using Optics when in a pipeline as here.
- Having mastered lenses for field access, note that lenses for looking up elements in Maps are also available. See
for examples. - Note also prisms - which access fields of record type options. Don't confuse this with fields which are option types in records: Lenses work fine for that!
We define specific can in theory fail Map
lookup lenses for access to individual values of the Model maps which are accessed via ID keys and therefore should never fail. In this case we still use a failwithf
to explicitly tag a failure with a "What?..."
error message - but expect this to be impossible to happen. See the example of symbolOf_
in DrawModelType
. We use, as a convention, a singular version of the map name followed by suffix Of
to indicate Map
The names of lenses are normally defined right after the type definition they refer to. See DrawModelType.fs
for examples.
- Lens for field
- Lens for subfield
of fieldFieldA
: -
is equivalent to(fieldA_ >-> fieldB_)
In draw block the Symbol
and BusWire
fields are accessed by field names from any block (different accessors in each case).
Thus the lens to access Symbols
field of SymbolT.Model
from the current module Model
record is defined as
(in Symbol) -
wire >-> symbols
(in BusWire) -
(wire_ >-> symbol_ >-> symbols_)
(in Sheet)
This is a very special case where there is no ambiguity.
- Lens for Map field element lookup.
thingOf_ tId
is a lens which accesses elementtId: IdT
of Map field `Things: Map<IdT,ThingT>.- This assumes the map is complete so that lookup can never fail. The Lens definition should include a suitable informative
making it better on failure than a failing Map lookup. Even so it muts only be used when there is a strong proof that failure is impossible.
- This assumes the map is complete so that lookup can never fail. The Lens definition should include a suitable informative