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Electron API (or other JS library) interface in Issie

Tom Clarke edited this page Jul 22, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to interface F# to Javascript functions

F# is strongly typed. Javascript is not. FABLE (which translates the F# you write to Javascript) provides multiple ways to interface your code to JS libraries - in this case the JS code that implements electron file interface etc functions. The recommended way is to use an F# interface.

The details (there are a lot of details) can be found here. Your probably don't want to read that.

The electron API consists of a very large number of untyped methods which implement API functions. It comes with an auto-generated typescript type definition file (.td) for easy interface to typescript. The nice feature is that this file can be automatically transformed into an F# interface file which gives static F# types for all functions. FABLE is sufficiently compatible with JS that this works really well. .src/Common/ElectronAPI.fs is the published electron API translated automatically to F# and then adjusted manually till it works (the manual adjustment for this very complex interface is not very nice, but not much needs to be adjusted).

The F# interface file contains where necessary multiple definitions (with different numbers of paramemeters) for many of the interface functions:

    type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebRequest =
        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>listener</c> will be called with <c>listener(details)</c> when a server initiated
        /// redirect is about to occur.
        /// </summary>
        abstract onBeforeRedirect: filter: Filter * listener: (OnBeforeRedirectListenerDetails -> unit) option -> unit
        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>listener</c> will be called with <c>listener(details)</c> when a server initiated
        /// redirect is about to occur.
        /// </summary>
        abstract onBeforeRedirect: listener: (OnBeforeRedirectListenerDetails -> unit) option -> unit

F# allows this!

Because JS functions are dynamically typed many will accept inputs of different types. The Interface file deals with this by using standard 2 and 3 case D.U.s (U2<'A,'B>, U3<'A,'B, 'C> etc) which can be used to offer different inputs:

abstract pageSize: U2<string, Size> option with get, set

defines the value pageSize to have two possible types: string option and Size option. These are constructed from F# using the standard selectors Case1, Case2 etc. So to set pageSize to a string parameter from F# you use:

pageSize.set (Some (Case1 "10 inches"))

A more detailed explanation can be found here.

You can search the API interface file for precise names and definitions of all the API functions - and also check the API documentation - but the code interface is often clearer. Note that many API-specific types are defined which provide options use value-only D.U.s to provide these options (which are in JS juts specific strings) in a type-safe way. For example the array of zero or more OpenDialogOptions can be filled with values from this type defined in the ElectronAPI interface:

    type [<StringEnum>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] OpenDialogOptionsPropertiesArray =
        | OpenFile
        | OpenDirectory
        | MultiSelections
        | ShowHiddenFiles
        | CreateDirectory
        | PromptToCreate
        | NoResolveAliases
        | TreatPackageAsDirectory
        | DontAddToRecent

This is great to use - in the IDE you can see the correct option values for any command by looking at the type definition or asking for autocomplete on OpenDialogOptionsPropertiesArray. . So much better than the JS case where you need to read the documentation.

Using ElectronAPI

See lots of examples in Issie UI, particularly FilesIO.fs which contains the low-level file interface all of which uses the Electron API functions.

To get the API methods and types you need to open ElectronAPI module.


  • Look at Common/ElectronAPI.fs for details, after you have found the API operations you want in the Electron documentation
  • See Interface/FilesIO.fs for lots of example use cases.
  • Opening module ElectronAPI gives you typed access to the functions. The API is your friend - if it type checks it will work.
  • JS functions with multiple types allowed for inputs or outputs can be handled through special "erased union" type parametrised F# D.U.s U2,U3,etc, you will see the Case1, Case2 etc constructors everywhere. You can work out the actual types from the IDE or (with effort) from ElectronAPI definitions.
  • One caveat. The current API is from an older version of electron. A few features will not be accessible from it and then must be accessed manually via dynamic types.
  • You will sometimes see unbox or !! in code. This is the unbox operator or function which allows you to manually break the F# type system an send any type to any function. It is sometimes used to interface low-level javascript.