Open Realm of Stars 0.27.0
New features and updates
Space race editor, allows player to make custom space races.
Government editor, allows player to make custom governments.
Alonian image, namegenerators, speeches, bridges and ships are available for custom space race.
Mod support for loading custom speeches, bridges and ship images.
Improved explanation about planet's suitability.
Random starting scenario is no longer such that Realm immediately starts losing population.
New ready made space race called Fernids. These guys are getting food via photosynthesis.
Allow human player to declare to be winner and let AI play game till end. So called Snowman option.
Move external files into user's home folder.
Improved AI for planet handling and building selection.
If alliance member makes peace with third party, also other alliance party should get peace.
Possibility to ask third party planet locations when in defesive pact against third party.
Improved AI tactics when attacking against starbases and orbitals.
Improved challenging AI exploring algorithm.
Improved jammers in game.
Doomed starting scenarios should be visible in background story.
Tutorial texts has been improved.
New UI Scheme called Dangerous Yellow.
High contrast grid option when playing in bright daylight.
Fixed issue where colonization technology could be research even though it had no use.
Fixed bug where Realm was lost but alliance with was still active.
Fixed possible null pointer on exploring pirate lair.
Fixed possible null pointer on artifact research.
Fixed AI handling of artificial planets.
Fixed bug where artificial planets could have tectonics.
Fixed bug which caused space pirates not working after creating new space race system.
Fixed bug where realm color did not change in realm setup view in dropdown menu.
Fixed bug where Alteirians did not obsolete their Minor orbitals. They could have multiple these.
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