Releases: tuomount/Open-Realms-of-Stars
Releases · tuomount/Open-Realms-of-Stars
Open Realm of Stars 0.27.0
New features and updates
- Space race editor, allows player to make custom space races.
- Government editor, allows player to make custom governments.
- Alonian image, namegenerators, speeches, bridges and ships are available for custom space race.
- Mod support for loading custom speeches, bridges and ship images.
- Improved explanation about planet's suitability.
- Random starting scenario is no longer such that Realm immediately starts losing population.
- New ready made space race called Fernids. These guys are getting food via photosynthesis.
- Allow human player to declare to be winner and let AI play game till end. So called Snowman option.
- Move external files into user's home folder.
- Improved AI for planet handling and building selection.
- If alliance member makes peace with third party, also other alliance party should get peace.
- Possibility to ask third party planet locations when in defesive pact against third party.
- Improved AI tactics when attacking against starbases and orbitals.
- Improved challenging AI exploring algorithm.
- Improved jammers in game.
- Doomed starting scenarios should be visible in background story.
- Tutorial texts has been improved.
- New UI Scheme called Dangerous Yellow.
- High contrast grid option when playing in bright daylight.
- Fixed issue where colonization technology could be research even though it had no use.
- Fixed bug where Realm was lost but alliance with was still active.
- Fixed possible null pointer on exploring pirate lair.
- Fixed possible null pointer on artifact research.
- Fixed AI handling of artificial planets.
- Fixed bug where artificial planets could have tectonics.
- Fixed bug which caused space pirates not working after creating new space race system.
- Fixed bug where realm color did not change in realm setup view in dropdown menu.
- Fixed bug where Alteirians did not obsolete their Minor orbitals. They could have multiple these.
Open Realm of Stars 0.26.0
New features and updates
- New AI realm setup view.
- New player realm setup.
- Realms now have selectable/random starting scenario.
- Most of the game data is now stored in JSON files.
- Space races are now based on traits.
- Governments are now based on traits.
- Each space race should be more balanced.
- Each government should be more balanced.
- Planets have more features.
- Planets have temperature which tells how suitable planet is for certain space race.
- Planets have humidity which tells how much food planet can produce automatically
- Planets have gravity depending on planet size, larger planets have high gravity.
- There are four radiation levels: No radiation, Low, High and Very high radiation.
- Some of the space race features are now moved to government traits like armed freighters.
- Planets may have statuses which can be found during colonization or be even timed.
- There can be multiple statuses on planet.
- All speeches are now in JSON files.
- When viewing uncolonized planets, if it is not colonizable there is textual reason.
- Alonian space race is no longer. It's main feature is now as a starting scenario available for each space race.
- Realm wide espionage is now called intelligence. Commander doing espionage on planets is called espionage.
- Fleet commander did not gains statistics for finding planets.
- Fleet commander did not get experience by finding planets.
- Ruler got too easily negotiator perk when doing diplomatic trades.
- Fleet commander did not gains statistics for trading.
Open Realm of Stars 0.25.0
New features and updates
- Starmap view is drawn only for tiles which are changing. This improves performance on starmap.
- When leader gains level and perks, it got explanation what perk and how it was gained.
- Improved background story generation for realms.
- Allow starmap zooming in and out.
- Redraw 64x64 map tiles, this also include Deep Space Anchor on all sizes.
- Technology progress is much slower when maximum turn amount is over 400 turns.
- Improved combat thrusters and added Combat thrusters Mk2 which generate energy.
- Planetary exploration with fleet commander.
- Trekker perk where commander gains more experience during planetary exploration.
- War hero perk which commander may gain via combat and is able to shoot more likely critical shots.
- Command gains experience when discovering new planets.
- Cartographer perk where commander gains double the experience when discovering new planets.
- Negotiator perk where ruler gains a bit of espionage after having enough diplomatic meetings.
- Possibility to stop governor making building project selections but still gain governor bonuses.
- Currently playing song display removed since it blocked user to click things behind it.
- Redraw blackhole tiles.
- Pacifist ruler cannot start war any more.
- AI Attitude is now from SpaceRace or from ruler. No longer random one.
- Bombing with privateer ship is no long war declaration, since privateers are considered unknown ships.
- Governor is no longer required to build orbital.
- Fix bug where AI was calculating military alliance military powers wrongly.
- Fix negative star years in research view. Researching always now takes at least one turn.
- Obsoleting ship design now stops planets building that even planet view is not viewed.
- Fix NPE from Ambient lights control.
Open Realm of Stars 0.24.0Beta
Open Realm of Stars 0.24.0Beta
New features and updates
- Improved AI, Challenging AI selects best choice for next building project.
- Fixed issue where AI estimated wrongly defensive pacts.
- Hide current song when mouse cursor moves over the text.
- Adds icons if fleet has moved, or has moves left or is routed.
- Moving diagonally with no scanner now reveals that sector if sector is blocked.
- Turns are now called star years.
- Switched alternative names for Sporks and Centaurs. Centaurs are now alled Taurus. Sporks are called Sagittarian.
- There is option to make combat faster if wanted. This will affect on animation.
- Button for regular moves in starmap view.
- Tab and Shift+Tab change planet/fleet in starmap view.
- ESC key goes back from active view.
- Diplomacy and combat start sound effects were too loud.
- Different star types affect on what kind of radiation surround planets have.
- UI Scheme is selectable and new grey scheme.
- Realm background story generator and full story is shown when game ends.
- Planet view can now show uncolonized planets. Sorting order is show best planet at top.
- Possibility to hire leader from another realm if in trade alliance.
- Improved leader view.
- Two realms with same type of government get diplomacy bonus.
- News if planets are traded or conquered by another realm.
- Planetary events have now higher chance to happen.
- Precious gems planetary event.
- Added two new probe ship hulls.
- Destroyed planet as a new space anomaly.
- Fixed type casting error when voting.
- Fixed possible race condition with SpotBugs.
- Banned nukes were banned one star year too early.
- Fixed issue where ship could be finished even space port was destroyed in espionage mission.
- Fixed AI war fatigue check when making a peace offer.
- Fixed check when war ends and checking the war fatigue.
- Upgrade ship sound effect is not played if there is not enough credit to upgrade the ship.
- Fixed issue where focus do not change when fleet encounters enemy fleet.
- Fixes issue where allied privateer attacked against ally.
Open Realm of Stars 0.23.0Beta
New features and updates
- Alonian Space Ship Bridge image.
- In diplomatic trade view it is possible to see relation detail in mouse tool tip.
- Tutorial has search option for free text search.
- Updated and added new tutorial texts.
- Ancient technology added, but no ascension victory yet.
- Ancient technology Gravity Ripper has animation and sound effect.
- Added abstain option in diplomatic victory voting.
- At least 50% of galaxy population needs to vote before diplomatic victory can be achieved.
- Galaxy secretary now choose what to vote in diplomatic voting, it is no longer random.
- Added Change log into main menu.
- Number of planets are shown in statistics view.
- Leaders are now recruited from Pool which makes that one can choose possible leaders and not get random one.
- Pool size depends on planets which can supply new leader.
- Some of the images are loaded when actually needed and not stored for ever. This lowers memory requirements.
- Added 13 event pictures including planetary and random events.
- Starting planet could be something else than planet number 1.
- Food requirement is visible in Food production in planet view.
- There should be no longer be news about terminated realms.
- There should be no news about leaders from terminated realms.
- Fixed a bug where Sol names caused conflict in AI missions.
- Fixes second realm Credit trade text when increasing the credit amount.
- When merging fleet which has no move left, merged fleet should lose the moves too.
- Fixed a bug when rushing building project button was enabled even it should not be.
- Fixed a but where broadcasting artifact could be found from regular artifact location.
- Fixes Molten lava and Arid planetary event activation.
- Fixes issue where ruler was left alive when realm was terminated.
- Adds Realm names in to random events where it wasn't mentioned earlier.
Open Realm of Stars 0.22.0Beta
New features and updates
- Adds three new star map music and one new combat music.
- Starmap can be scrolled by dragging it with mouse. This is configurable from options.
- In tactical combat weapon ranges can be show visually.
- First human space race starts from Planet Earth. Also all other planets resemble Sol.
- Ancient artifacts are discover-able.
- Galactic News Reader Station is discover-able in the Galaxy.
- Adds two new star images to game.
- Leaders with heirs are shown in family tree.
- Improved AI
- AI Exploration has been improved
- AI will change colonization target earlier if planet is being colonized other realm and planet is visible.
- AI Handling of population now considers whole realm research production
- Added arrows keys to change realm in realm view.
- Space pirate can ask or pay protection credit not to attack against realm fleets.
- Corruption has been redesigned.
- Leaders can be corrupted based on amount of planets, credits realm has. Also how long leader has been in same job affects for corruption.
- Random event: Aggressive wild life now place "building" on planet
- New space anomaly Leader in stasis.
- Other leaders than mechions can be found from this space anomaly
- Synthdroids leader can be found same space anomaly as Mechions.
- Fixes issue where possible route was not shown before cursor was moved.
- Fixes issues where route was still shown until mouse was move when fleet was set to defend or fix.
- Fixes issue where focus was not correct when browsing next and previous messages.
- Changes wrong text on random event pop ups.
- New seed generations for PRNGs.
- Fixed typo in Galactic Info when clicking star.
- Fixes bug where diplomacy can be done with space monsters.
- Fixes NPE if destroy fleet mission do not have home planet.
- Fixes wrongly calculated heir chance.
- Fixes colony missions for space pirates.
- Fixes possible NPE from PlanetBombingView class.
- Stops autoexplore to search space anomalies for human player.
- Fixes AI always attack againts orbitals.
- Add missing description for Improved engineering rare tech.
- Fixes wrong size generated stars background.
- Fixes jammed gather mission fleet.
- Escaped defending fleet returns now to closest home port.
- Fixes rare NPE when drawing the star map.
Open Realm of Stars 0.21.0Beta
New Features and Updates
- Adds new Space races
- Alonians, Space race which start without starting planet.
- Synthdroids, Space race which are mechanical race but they still eat food compared to Mechions.
- Realm does not lose if last planet is lost but they have colony ship with colonist(s).
- Possibility to use AI designing ships for human player.
- Regular moves can be also made as routes. This is done simply left clicking at least two sectors away from fleet.
- New image for galactic news reader. Old one is used for Synthdroids.
- New base weapon type: Multicannon. Some space race get this instead of railguns.
- Not accurate as railguns and shorter range but this requires no energy to use.
- Possibility to disable graphics level on starmap. Stars and nebulae can be on same layer.
- Improves performance and should also increase battery life on laptops.
- Space monsters in space anomalies. There can be space krakens and space worms in space anomalies.
- Planet governor now automatically selects next building project based on selected guidance.
- Building project can be changed if wanted.
- If planet is full of buildings governor also suggest which building to destroy.
- Ancient realms are now called elder realms.
- Space pirates may get colony ships on medium or more difficult level.
- Galaxy can now contain over 12 realms. New maximum is 16 realms in single galaxy.
- Smaugirian ships have their own ship bridge image.
- Textbox now scroll on downwards if text is too large to fit.
- Galaxy creation did not fully fit into screen with 768 pixels height.
- Fixes issue where resolution kept increase when game was launched in window mode.
- Fixes issue where AI could rebuild same orbital again and again.
- Remove already built orbital from the building list.
- Fixes issue where amount of mining was shown wrong for Lithorians.
- Actual calculation was correct, but textual information was wrong.
- Tractor beam couldn't be used with auto shoot in combat
- Fixes bug where AI could give every technology they had to diplomatic trade.
Open Realm of Stars 0.20.0Beta
New Features and updates
- Adds two new space races:
- Alteirians, Space race which only live in space orbitals not on planet surface.
- Smaugirians, Space race that can put weapons to freighters and those are still counted as unarmed.
- Overloading scanner may reveal overloaded cloaked ship during combat.
- New Perks:
- Cruel, Power hungry leader wanna be who has killed heirs
- Engineering, Decreases component failure during overloads.
- Game lost view which is shown when human realm is lost.
- Adds tutorial texts about victory conditions during game play.
- New star background is being procedural generated when game starts.
- AI Difficulties:
- Weak, Pretty much same AI that was on previous versions
- Normal, Improved AI exploration.
- Challenging, Even more improved AI exploration and other new tricks.
- Two Rings at game start up. Ancient realms start from inner rings and others from outer rings.
- Corrupted perk may give leader wealth perk.
- Default colors are added for each realm.
- Challenging AI cannot be blocked by moving any fleet on orbit. It will send another fleet to destroy it.
- Possibility to choose when game is created that not all news are shown to human player. Only those realms which human has met.
- Now each space race could have own tech tree. There are some tech that are not available for each space race.
- Clicking enemy ship at combat causes automatically shoot with best weapon.
- New random event images:
- Terrorist attack
- Catastrophic accident
- Accident
- Leader level up
Bug fixes
- Fixes issue where AI never checked border crossing if AI realm did not have any fleets in use.
- Fixes issue where AI never started war against human player no matter how many times borders were crossed.
- Fixes issue where auto exploring did not inform about newly discovered planets, space anchors and anomalies.
- Fixes issue where AI's diplomatic delegation knew realm planet location which had not met yet.
- Fixes issue where governor bonuses were calculated twice.
- Fixes issue where non full screen is no longer resize able during game play. Resizing is done only from Options menu.
- Fixes issue where news about governor death during planet conquest was not shown.
- Fixes that AI no longer uses small freighters as a scout ship. This prevented freighters to use as a freighters.
- Fixes Orbital weapon range.
- Fixes issue where privateer ships did not attack against orbitals.
- Fixes realm lost news showing if non-ancient realm has been lost.
- Fixes and improves building description texts.
Open Realm of Stars 0.19.0Beta
New features and Updates
- AI attacks against star bases, both against realms and space pirates.
- Certain governments do not allow another space race to be their ruler.
- Space ships can be steal with tractor beam. Target ships must not have working engines and no military weapons.
- Planet types have suitability for each space races. Planet suitability can be increased with technology.
- AI Mechion does not start building population too early.
- Game mode where every realm is controlled by AI
- Auto exploring for space ships. (Exploration algorithm is still bad)
- Planets can build orbitals.
- Ships enter into combat where military ships are at first row.
- There can be now 12 realms in one single game.
- Not all tech is trade able. Planet suitability technology is not trade able with another realms.
- Possible to enable auto combat in space combat.
- Space pirate difficulty level is now tuned down.
- Game supports full-screen mode.
- Adds number of colonist/troops on fleet to be shown when view the fleet.
- Forces deployed starbases to be automatically defending.
- Changes cost of material replicator and orbital shield.
- Parallax nebulae scrolling on planet views.
- Space Ship Bridge interior for Reborgians.
Bug fixes
- Number of admires were calculated wrong.
- Fixed parsing issue from JSON Parser.
- Fixed issue where governor perks where not counted for realm production.
- Fixed too wide galaxy creation view for 1024x768 resolution
- Fixed possible Null Pointer-Exception from bombing view.
- Fixes issue where AI did not attack against planet if planet had any defense
- Fixes scaling issue on popup panels..
- Fixes possible out of bounds exception while bombing the planet.
Open Realm of Stars 0.18.0Beta
New features and Updates
- Explain each ship component in description text. This should improve information what component is really for.
- Explain how random events selection setting works in game configuration.
- Leaders could be placed on jail. This can happen when doing espionage mission. Leaders can be still executed if doing espionage during war time.
- Added new race Reborgian. These are cyborg race which can synthesize other races to themselves when conquering planets.
- Added new race Lithorian. These are metal eating beings, since these will not eat no food is needed to produce.
- Rare techs are now shown in research view if those are available for realm.
- Leaders now contain information what they have done and this will be used for creating flavor text for them.
- Planet conquering has now limits how many times it can be bombed. This depends for each ship how fast combat movement they have.
- There is now warning if moving against fleet that was not visible while moving and it would cause a war. Accidental moves against privateers/pirates can still happen.
- AI now designs star bases with star base components if available.
- Improves AI planet handling(mining buildings should more in balance), combat movement and space anomaly exploration.
- New government types:
- Collective, focuses on mining and military.
- Technocracy, much like democracy but focuses on technology research.
- Regime, Tyrant leader without heirs
- Utopia, Peaceful government giving bonus to culture. Allows only small amount leaders.
- Alliance government name is now Union. This should stop mixing Alliance of two realms and government alliances.
- Each government type is now some unique. Only small changes to other governments.
- Star base hulls can contain two more components.
- Added new music when exploring space anomaly.
Bug fixes
- Fixes bug where Mechion population had no limit on planets.
- Fixes bug where enemy's broadcasting planets where under fog of war.
- Fixes bug where fleet's shield/armors were not reset after turn change.
- Fixes bug where ruler died but still functioning as ruler. This happened with accident random event.
- Fixes possible NPE when AI explores time warp anomaly.
- Fixes bug where tutorial was shown even it was disabled.
- Adds information when leader is assignable in leader view.
- Fixes long wait before diplomatic delegacy actually leaves when asked.
- Fixes issue where planet was missing on background when AI had crossed human player's borders.
- Adds button sounds to voting view.
- Fixes bug where rushing button is enabled even player does not have credits or population for rushing.
- Fixes bug where two random event would happen for same realm and thus preventing the second popup.
- Fixes bug where data loss and scientific breakthrough popup image wasn't always shown.
- Fixes good event to use correct counter. Previously both good and bad events used same counter.
- Fixes that space pirates ruler is no longer Main Process Noname.
- Fixes issue where AI's privateer does not destroy military ship.
- Fixes issue where not biggest fleet might not be the defender.
- Fixes issue where Massdrives and HE missiles did not calculate critical chance correctly.
- Fixes rare issue on some sound cards where sounds were not fully played.