Open Realm of Stars 0.21.0Beta
New Features and Updates
Adds new Space races
Alonians, Space race which start without starting planet.
Synthdroids, Space race which are mechanical race but they still eat food compared to Mechions.
Realm does not lose if last planet is lost but they have colony ship with colonist(s).
Possibility to use AI designing ships for human player.
Regular moves can be also made as routes. This is done simply left clicking at least two sectors away from fleet.
New image for galactic news reader. Old one is used for Synthdroids.
New base weapon type: Multicannon. Some space race get this instead of railguns.
Not accurate as railguns and shorter range but this requires no energy to use.
Possibility to disable graphics level on starmap. Stars and nebulae can be on same layer.
Improves performance and should also increase battery life on laptops.
Space monsters in space anomalies. There can be space krakens and space worms in space anomalies.
Planet governor now automatically selects next building project based on selected guidance.
Building project can be changed if wanted.
If planet is full of buildings governor also suggest which building to destroy.
Ancient realms are now called elder realms.
Space pirates may get colony ships on medium or more difficult level.
Galaxy can now contain over 12 realms. New maximum is 16 realms in single galaxy.
Smaugirian ships have their own ship bridge image.
Textbox now scroll on downwards if text is too large to fit.
Galaxy creation did not fully fit into screen with 768 pixels height.
Fixes issue where resolution kept increase when game was launched in window mode.
Fixes issue where AI could rebuild same orbital again and again.
Remove already built orbital from the building list.
Fixes issue where amount of mining was shown wrong for Lithorians.
Actual calculation was correct, but textual information was wrong.
Tractor beam couldn't be used with auto shoot in combat
Fixes bug where AI could give every technology they had to diplomatic trade.
You can’t perform that action at this time.