Open Realm of Stars 0.25.0
New features and updates
Starmap view is drawn only for tiles which are changing. This improves performance on starmap.
When leader gains level and perks, it got explanation what perk and how it was gained.
Improved background story generation for realms.
Allow starmap zooming in and out.
Redraw 64x64 map tiles, this also include Deep Space Anchor on all sizes.
Technology progress is much slower when maximum turn amount is over 400 turns.
Improved combat thrusters and added Combat thrusters Mk2 which generate energy.
Planetary exploration with fleet commander.
Trekker perk where commander gains more experience during planetary exploration.
War hero perk which commander may gain via combat and is able to shoot more likely critical shots.
Command gains experience when discovering new planets.
Cartographer perk where commander gains double the experience when discovering new planets.
Negotiator perk where ruler gains a bit of espionage after having enough diplomatic meetings.
Possibility to stop governor making building project selections but still gain governor bonuses.
Currently playing song display removed since it blocked user to click things behind it.
Redraw blackhole tiles.
Pacifist ruler cannot start war any more.
AI Attitude is now from SpaceRace or from ruler. No longer random one.
Bombing with privateer ship is no long war declaration, since privateers are considered unknown ships.
Governor is no longer required to build orbital.
Fix bug where AI was calculating military alliance military powers wrongly.
Fix negative star years in research view. Researching always now takes at least one turn.
Obsoleting ship design now stops planets building that even planet view is not viewed.
Fix NPE from Ambient lights control.
You can’t perform that action at this time.