Open Realm of Stars 0.24.0Beta
Open Realm of Stars 0.24.0Beta
New features and updates
Improved AI, Challenging AI selects best choice for next building project.
Fixed issue where AI estimated wrongly defensive pacts.
Hide current song when mouse cursor moves over the text.
Adds icons if fleet has moved, or has moves left or is routed.
Moving diagonally with no scanner now reveals that sector if sector is blocked.
Turns are now called star years.
Switched alternative names for Sporks and Centaurs. Centaurs are now alled Taurus. Sporks are called Sagittarian.
There is option to make combat faster if wanted. This will affect on animation.
Button for regular moves in starmap view.
Tab and Shift+Tab change planet/fleet in starmap view.
ESC key goes back from active view.
Diplomacy and combat start sound effects were too loud.
Different star types affect on what kind of radiation surround planets have.
UI Scheme is selectable and new grey scheme.
Realm background story generator and full story is shown when game ends.
Planet view can now show uncolonized planets. Sorting order is show best planet at top.
Possibility to hire leader from another realm if in trade alliance.
Improved leader view.
Two realms with same type of government get diplomacy bonus.
News if planets are traded or conquered by another realm.
Planetary events have now higher chance to happen.
Precious gems planetary event.
Added two new probe ship hulls.
Destroyed planet as a new space anomaly.
Fixed type casting error when voting.
Fixed possible race condition with SpotBugs.
Banned nukes were banned one star year too early.
Fixed issue where ship could be finished even space port was destroyed in espionage mission.
Fixed AI war fatigue check when making a peace offer.
Fixed check when war ends and checking the war fatigue.
Upgrade ship sound effect is not played if there is not enough credit to upgrade the ship.
Fixed issue where focus do not change when fleet encounters enemy fleet.
Fixes issue where allied privateer attacked against ally.
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