Open Realm of Stars 0.17.0Beta
New features and Updates
Adds direct support for Philips Hue Lights
Supports up to 3 RGB lights
Lights are based what is happening in the game, not directly what colors are visible on screen
Adds new image for rare tech space anomaly
Improves AI's design for ship ships
Tutorial text for ship design
Tutorial text about rogue planets
Tutorial text about leaders
AI improvements
Adds intercept mission for AI. AI attack enemy ships near AI's planets
AI does not focues planting starbase on around to left corner if map is revealed there
AI will start diplomacy even another fleet is being seen not just when two fleet try to encounter each others
AI will colonize planets more aggressively now
AI will send diplomatic fleets next to another realm
History events try to mention which realm's space event happened if that is possible
Worm holes have semi fixed heads. They are not still fully stable but fleets travel between the wormholes not random positions.
Cultural victory now requires admires from another realms. Highest cultural and broadcasting is no longer enough.
Ship design statistics are show at end of the game
Human player can now see with whom trade is going to happen
Game can be win now having certain amount of people of whole galaxy
Statistics view has sub page showing current victory conditions
Random event images for Massive data
Random event image for corruption scandal
Leaders might also get corruption perk when this happens.
New image rare tech space anomaly
Bug fixes
Only bombing the planet did not cause historical event
Better error logging
Fixes rare bug where ship was destroyed by planetary turret and NullPointerException occurred
Fixes NullPointerException from help view
Fixes missing new ruler selected message
Fixes diplomacy tutorials indexes when trying to show those
Fixes issue where planetary turret damage was not immediately shown.
Fixes issue where combat music is played when AI starts conquering another AI's planet.
Fixes issue where AI designs scout or corvette to replace spy design
Fixes issue where AI could design banned ship
Enables fix fleet button after time warp space anomaly
Fixes scroll bars which leave traces while scrolling
AI can now win game with each winning possibility.
Fixes typo when realm wins by technology win
Fixes Deep Space Scanner not reveal full Gas Giants.
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