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Ken Robinson edited this page Oct 1, 2015 · 1 revision


Fork working at: ISO

3-15-15 Will focus on Version 8 Odoo (new name for OpenErp)

Odoo (8) is the rename of OpenERP (7 and earlier) which grew out of Tiny ERP. Full info at Easily installed and very effective management systems for organizations, businesses and more.

Working ISO and Pull available above. Built with TKLDEV Jessie 14. Based on Turnkey LAPP

Has important updates to Apache Redirects, Porting and Tie ins to Odoo.
Turnkey out of the box.

Supports TKLBAM as of this writing.

OpenERP Version 7, just built for self, notes below were for Openerp 7 Built on Postgresql Appliance

Method for Building to be base on: Adding Magento_OpenERP_Connector from:

Postgres Postgres user Openerp openerp user Launchpad OpenERP (bzr pulls) Can we use Git or WGET?

  • Need Server, Web, Addons folder (and magento connector specific pulls) (perhaps Magento Connector should be left of this)

Start OpenERP Server

  • Need Instructions on how to run Server, from within SSH.
  • Could possibly be run in Webmin but needs an interface
  • Setup needs to specify Running Port Number.


  • Runs in WebPage after Server setup and started (Does not use LightPPD or Apache. OpenERP has own)
  • can operate as "standalone client" by running as Chrome WebAp (simple documentation or could be scripted (not critical LA)) [@l-arnold]/(l-arnold)

From Alon's How-To on a new Appliance

new appliance

clone the closest appliance repo from turnkeylinux-apps to tkldev  
      * (LAPP or POSTRES ?  not a standard Apache install, so Postgres!) .. 
rm -rf .git; git init  (look at docs/ l.a.)
hack, commit, repeat...
register repo on github in your account and push your branch
let us know via the tracker
Clone this wiki locally