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umiyuki edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 14 revisions


Why is it compatible with Unity 2018.3 or higher?

If I developed it in 2018.3, I can no longer lower the version (when I open it in 2018.2, the prefab reference will be broken). Excuse me.

Also, since there was a problem which is difficult to use Timeline if it is a version before 2018.3, after all 2018.3 is recommended.

The joint of the character turns in a different direction with the created animation clip

In the case of the animation window, Euler rotation interpolation is done by default, and it may rotate in an unintended direction.

Sorry to trouble you, please select all Rotation items, right-click to select Interpolation → Quaternion and try to quaternion interpolation.


We prepare all new animation clips by quaternion interpolation helper.

The character's node can not move

If an animation controller is set for the character, it is fixed by empty animation playback and the node can not move.

In this case, you can move the node only during Record of animation clip.

Poses of characters Characters are positively different for a moment while editing

If empty state is not set in default state of animation controller, please set it.

Suddenly the operation of the UI ceased to work

While investigating the cause, once you press the power button on the controller to display the Steam overlay and close it, the operation will become effective.

I can not move the mouse even if I try to exit the play mode by removing the headset.

When the pointer points in the animation window within VR, the movement of the mouse is taken over by that.

Press Ctrl + P to exit play mode.

VR display is heavy and chewy

If there are cameras unnecessary for editing other than the camera for headset, please deactivate as load becomes heavy.

If there is a heavy background like a big city model, it may still be insufficient for FPS.

Please also try to deactivate models that are not necessarily needed during editing.

I want to add expressions and hand poses to the animation of the created character

Please refer to the Timeline sample when using Timeline.

It is an example of displaying with Timeline a combination of three animation tracks for whole body, facial expression, and hand pose.

When controlling with only Animator, it may be possible to control by combining three layers for whole body, facial expression, and hand pose (not verified)

Make animation clip of expression

In the case of a character that switches expressions with a blend shape, please use this script to create animation clips of facial expressions.

Save Blend shape as AnimationClip | Unity

For characters that switch expressions with textures, prepare materials for each facial expression and add MeshRenderer's Material Refereces property with an animation clip to create clips that change the material.

Make an animation clip of hand pose

Please create animation clip of hand pose using this script.

The editor settled when trying to play the Timeline

It seems to be a bug in the Unity editor, but the cause is under investigation.

Please reopen the scene or reopen the project.

Suddenly FBBIK Head Effector and Look At IK ceased to work

Since it is forced to run on the editor using ExecuteInEditMode, it seems that something seems to have run out of reference.

If you think something strange, try opening up the scene for the time being.

I want to create an animation created with IK manually

Since animation created by Generic has a bone transform recorded, it can be fine-tuned manually later.

In doing so, please invalidate it by setting the weight to zero so as not to overwrite it with IK.

I really want to make a Humanoid type animation clip

Unity editor basically can not create Humanoid type animation clip, but there is a trick to convert Generic type animation to Humanoid type.

First, please make sure animation created by UVAE is set on animation controller of Generic character.

Please import the Unity official FBX Exporter.

Please export the character as animated FBX.

Please import the output FBX in Humanoid format.

If it goes well you will get a Humanoid type animation clip.

There are mysterious things happening in the play mode

Please remove characters so that there is a possibility of adverse effects if you have scripts for games etc. not necessary for animation editing.

Animation window does not appear within VR

Please check that the Unity editor is in the state that it is a child window of animation window only.

The name of the game object displayed on the node faces a weird one

It is designed to point towards the camera with the MainCamera tag, so please remove it if the other camera has a MainCamera tag.

The animation clip of Generic type does not record bone transform

If GenerateNodes' RecordAllChildObjects check is not on, please turn it on.

An animation clip you want to edit is not displayed in the animation window

In play mode, you can select and edit only the animation clip that is set in the animation controller of the animator of the object selected in the hierarchy view.