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Bank Transfer Payment Usage

ziahaqi edited this page May 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

There are four banks supported at this SDK.

  • BCA
  • Permata
  • BNI
  • Other Banks (Using Permata)


We provide interface for transaction callback. You just need to implement TransactionCallback when make a transaction to get transaction response. It contains three implemented methods onSuccess, onFailure and onError.

public interface TransactionCallback {
    //transaction response when success
    public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response);

    //response when transaction failed
    public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason);

    //general error
    public void onError(Throwable error);

Start the payment

for transaction using bank transfer, You can use methods API of midtrans SDK below

//bank transfer BCA
        AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, EMAIL_USER, transactionCallback);

//bank tranfer Permata
        AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, EMAIL_USER, transactionCallback);

//bank tranfer BNI
        AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, EMAIL_USER, transactionCallback);

//bank tranfer all
        AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, EMAIL_USER, transactionCallback);

You need the checkout token and customer email before starting the payment.

Execute Transaction using following method to get response back. below sample transaction using bank tranfer permata

        EMAIL_USER, new TransactionCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response) {

            public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason) {
                //actionTransactionFailure(response, reason);

            public void onError(Throwable error) {

Get Virtual Account Information

User need to get the virtual account number. It is provided in TransactionResponse.

BCA and Permata has different data structure so we must handle it in different way.

BCA Virtual Account

BCA can provide more than one virtual account, so we get a list of BCAVANumber object.

List<BCAVANumber> virtualAccounts = response.getAccountNumbers();

Permata and Other Bank Virtual Account

String virtualAccount = response.getPermataVANumber();
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