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Credit Card Two Clicks

Raka Westu Mogandhi edited this page Nov 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Credit Card Two Clicks

For two clicks implementation, merchant server implementation is not required.


  • Checkout still require merchant server.
  • Snap updated their engine so now they have feature to save card.

To implement two clicks please follow steps below.

First Transaction

Creating TransactionRequest

TransactionRequest request = new TransactionRequest(ORDER_ID, GROSS_AMOUNT);
... // Set another parameters like item details or customer details for transaction request here

// Set credit card option parameters
CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard();
creditCard.setSaveCard(true); // True if save card is enabled (to get the savedTokenId). 



MidtransSDK.getInstance().checkout(USER_ID, new CheckoutCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(Token token) {
         // Handle success checkout
         // Checkout token
         String token = token.getTokenId();

    public void onFailure(Token token, String reason) {
         // Handle failure when checkout            

    public void onError(Throwable error) {
         // Handle error when checkout

Get Card Token

// Create CardTokenRequest 
CardTokenRequest cardTokenRequest = new CardTokenRequest(CARD_NUMBER, CARD_CVV_NUMBER, EXPIRY_MONTH, EXPIRY_YEAR, CLIENT_KEY);
// This is if you're using 3D secure

// Start getting token
MidtransSDK.getInstance().getCardToken(cardTokenRequest, new CardTokenCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(TokenDetailsResponse response) {
        // Card token will be used to charge the payment
        String cardToken = response.getTokenId();
        // Success action here
        // If using 3DS then show the authorization page using WebView. When authorization completed then start the payment
        // Else start to charge the transaction

    public void onFailure(TokenDetailsResponse response, String reason) {
        // Failure action here

    public void onError(Throwable error) {
        // Error action here

Charge Transaction

At the charge transaction, when charging you must set IS_SAVE_CARD parameter to true.

CreditCardPaymentModel payment = new CreditCardPaymentModel(CARD_TOKEN, IS_SAVE_CARD);

MidtransSDK.getInstance().paymentUsingCard(CHECKOUT_TOKEN, payment, new TransactionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response) {
        // Success Action here

    public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason) {
        // Failure Action here

    public void onError(Throwable error) {
        // Error Action here

Sequential Transaction

You can use the savedTokenId obtained in first transaction to proceed the payment without require your customers to input their credit card details again. They just need to input the CVV.

Checkout using USER_ID

MidtransSDK.getInstance().checkout(USER_ID, new CheckoutCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(Token token) {
         // Handle success checkout
         // Checkout token
         String token = token.getTokenId();

    public void onFailure(Token token, String reason) {
         // Handle failure when checkout            

    public void onError(Throwable error) {
         // Handle error when checkout

Get Transaction Details (Including Saved Card)

MidtransSDK.getInstance().getTransactionOptions(tokenId, new TransactionOptionsCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {
                // Handle success here
                // Get Saved Card
                List<SavedToken> savedTokenList = transaction.getCreditCard().getSavedTokens();

            public void onFailure(Transaction transaction, String reason) {
                // Handle failure here

            public void onError(Throwable error) {
                // Handle error here

Get Card Token

After user select which card want to be used on next payment, they have need to input CVV again then proceed into get card token using this parameters.

CardTokenRequest cardTokenRequest = new CardTokenRequest();
// SAVED_TOKEN_ID included in SavedToken object obtained in previous step

midtransSDK.getCardToken(cardTokenRequest, new CardTokenCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(TokenDetailsResponse response) {
                // Card token will be used to charge the payment
                String cardToken = response.getTokenId();
                // Success action here
                // If using 3DS then show the authorization page using WebView. When authorization completed then start the payment
                // Else start to charge the transaction

            public void onFailure(TokenDetailsResponse response, String reason) {
                // Handle failure 

            public void onError(Throwable error) {
                // Handle error

Charge Transaction

// Create payment model using masked card number from saved token object obtained in previous step
CreditCardPaymentModel payment = new CreditCardPaymentModel(CARD_TOKEN, IS_SAVE_CARD);

MidtransSDK.getInstance().paymentUsingCard(CHECKOUT_TOKEN, payment, new TransactionCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(TransactionResponse response) {
                // Handle payment success

            public void onFailure(TransactionResponse response, String reason) {
                // Handle payment failure

            public void onError(Throwable error) {
                // Handle payment error
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