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General purpose libraries for other projects which can include them easily as needed through the platformio.ini config file.
- LowPower: Sources version 1.60 and all credits goes for them.
- MD_MAX72XX: Sources version 2.11.0 and all credits goes for them.
- TrueRandom: Sources version 1.0 and all credits goes for them.
- Bluetooth_Lib: controls bluetooth modules HC-05 and HC-06 via SoftwareSerial class.
- Common_Lib: Quick static classes for frequently used functionalities like Sleep() or PowerDown().
- Joystick_Lib: controls analog joysticks with 2 axes and a switch button.
- Melodies_Lib: controls active/passive buzzers to reproduce melodies.
- Motors_Lib: controls 4 motors splitted into 2 axes through the driver L298N.
Communicates with the bluetooth (BT) module [HC-05 or HC-06] via SoftwareSerial. List of functions:
- Begin(long lBauds): starts the communication with the BT module
- SendATCommandHC05(EATCommand command, String sValue): sends AT commands to the HC-05 module. Set KEY pin to HIGH or press the physical button in the module to enter AT mode. Use together with HardwareSerial to debug the responses sent by the module.
- SendATCommandHC06(EATCommand command, String sValue): sends AT commands to the HC-06 module. Use together with HardwareSerial to debug the responses sent by the module.
- DirectReceive(): Reads from BT module without any processing.
- Receive(): Reads from BT module when message starts INI_STR_CMD or INI_BYT_CMD character and reads until it founds the END_CMD
- Send(String sMessage): Sends to the BT module without processing, onlyt adding LF or CR + LF when needed.
- SendCommand(String sMessage): Sends to the BT module with INI_STR_CMD at the start and END_CMD at the end of the message.
- SendCommand(byte byteX, byte byteY): Sends to the BT module with INI_BYT_CMD at the start and END_CMD at the end of the message.
- CommandType(String sCommand): distinguishes if the received message is with INI_STR_CMD or with INI_BYT_CMD.
- ProcessArrayBytesCommand(String sCommand): Converts the message with INI_BYT_CMD into array of bytes.
- ProcessStringCommand(String sCommand): Converts the message with INI_STR_CMD into a String.
Reads the axis values from the Joystick. List of functions:
- ReadAxisX(): returns X coordinate of the joystick
- ReadAxisY(): returns Y coordinate of the joystick
- ReadButton(): returns button value of the joystick. LOW if pressed and HIGH otherwise.