bfMEM is a tool for Maximal Exact Matches (MEMs) detection. It is based on Bloom filter and rolling hash. The program is written in C++11 (tested with g++ >= 6.2.1) and works on Linux.
git clone
cd bfmem
./bfmem -r H.all.fa -q M.all.fa -o hm-100.txt [options]
-r reference genome, a multi-FASTA file
-q query genome, a multi-FASTA file
-o output file
-l minimal length of matches; default is 100
-k length of k-mer, k%4=0 (some default values are set; if l < 34, k should be privided)
-t number of threads (default t=10)
-s strands;
default is foward;
'r' is reverse-complement;
'b' is both foward and reverse-complement.
-h print help message
Convert the output of bfMEM to the format of copMEM (i.e., MEMs with the same order).
./formatconvert f1 f2
f1 is the result of bfMEM; f2 stores the format converted result.
./compareMEM f1 f2
Compare the MEMs in the two files f1 and f2. The program compares two files row by row.
Yuansheng Liu, Leo Yu Zhang, Jinyan Li. Fast detection of maximal exact matches via fixed sampling of query k-mers and Bloom filtering of index k-mers. Bioinformatics, 2019.
If any bugs during you run our code, please email to [email protected]