这是一个支持 vue3.x 的 富文本编辑器, 基于UEditor开发。 支持UEditor所有的指令和功能,并且完美支持UEditor的自定义指令。
This is a rich text editor that supports vue3.x, developed based on UEditor. Supports all UEditor commands and functions, and perfectly supports UEditor's custom commands.
- 一、克隆代码 / Clone Code
git clone https://github.com/ethwillupto10000/vueditor3
cd vueditor3
npm i # 或者 cnpm i
- 二、复制资源文件 / Copy Resource Folder
- 复制文件夹:/public.ueditor 到你的项目根目录/public下(没有则创建一个)
- Copy Folder: /public.ueditor and place it under your project root path: /public(if don't have , plz make a new 1)
npm run dev
<!--Usage Example-->
<script lang="ts" setup>
* 编辑器使用的配置文件
* Editor's Config file
* @description 可以自己定义一份配置文件,自定义选择工具栏需要使用的工具
* 配置文件的路径:[你的项目的根目录]/ueditor/config/ueditor.config.js
* vue3项目请将资源文件:/public/editor复制到自己根目录的/public文件夹下
* @description You can add another config file to build your custom editor.
* Config File Path: [Your_Project_Base_Path]/ueditor/config/ueditor.config.js
* Please Copy you Resource folder: /public/ueditor to you own project folder: /public/ueditor
* **/
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import Editor from './Editor.vue'
const configPath = '/ueditor/config/ueditor.config.js'
// 编辑器绑定的内容
// Data Bind in Editor
const content = ref('')
watch(content, last => {
}, {
deep: true,
immediate: true
<style scoped></style>
- File Path: /public/ueditor