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Structure Types

Apollo edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 6 revisions



As of v1.3.5, vanilla's jigsaw structure uses Lithostitched's optimized system. The custom jigsaw version will remain for possible future additions.

The jigsaw structure type is a slightly more configurable version of vanilla's minecraft:jigsaw structure type.

  "type": "lithostitched:jigsaw",
  "biomes": "#minecraft:is_overworld",
  "step": "underground_structures",
  "spawn_overrides": {},
  "terrain_adaptation": "bury",
  "start_pool": "example:custom_dungeon/start",
  "size": {
    "type": "minecraft:uniform",
    "value": {
      "min_inclusive": 8,
      "max_inclusive": 12
  "start_height": {
    "absolute": -70
  "project_start_to_heightmap": "WORLD_SURFACE_WG",
  "max_distance_from_center": 116,
  "use_expansion_hack": false

It's very similar to the vanilla jigsaw structure, with the only notable change being that the size field is an integer provider. You can still put in values directly such as "size": 7, but you can also put in different integer providers to have varying max depths per structure.


The delegating structure type only lets a structure be placed if the spawn condition passes.

  "type": "lithostitched:delegating",
  "delegate": {
    "type": "minecraft:jungle_temple",
    "biomes": "#minecraft:has_structure/jungle_temple",
    "step": "surface_structures",
    "spawn_overrides": {}
  "spawn_condition": {
    "type": "lithostitched:sample_density",
    "density_function": "minecraft:overworld/erosion",
    "min_inclusive": 0.225,
    "max_inclusive": 0.425
  • delegate: The delegate structure. Has to be an inlined structure.
  • spawn_condition: The spawn condition for the structure. See the structure conditions page for details.