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Sprints PairProgramming

Jim Medlock edited this page Feb 17, 2018 · 1 revision

What is Pair Programming?

There is an oft quoted adage that "two heads are better than one". Pair Programming is a practical implementation of this advice. It leverages the experience and knowledge of two developers to improve the speed at which an app is created, but also its quality.

In this process two developers work together, either side-by-side or via screensharing, with one writing code while the other reviews the code as it is being written. The developer reviewing the code examines it not just for correctness, but also to ensure that it's clear, supportable, and resilient.

The pair keep up a running dialog and frequently switch roles.

The advantage of pair programming is the developer writing the code can focus on the tactical attributes of the code since the developer who reviews the code is responsible for the strategic aspects.

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