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Voyage About

Jim Medlock edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

About Chingu Voyages

Chingu Voyages are an exciting way to work on projects that provide the opportunity to:

  • Work on interesting and challenging projects
  • Learn new technologies
  • Work with a team of like-minded WebDevs
  • Improve soft skills including communication, collaboration, and Agile project management
  • Create impact while leveling-up your skills

In short, Chingu Voyages create a setting to help you both acquire and practice the skills you will need on the job.

Voyage Tiers

Maximizing the Voyage experience requires that it be tailored to start at an individuals current level of experience, but end up at a higher level. The overall goal of the Voyage is to give everyone the opportunity to step up to a higher level of knowledge and experience.

To achieve this participants are divided into one of three tiers based on their knowledge and experience at the start of the Voyage.

Tier Starting Point Example Voyage Projects
1 Tier-1 teams are at the html to early javascript phase of their learning journey 1. Clone a landing page!
2. Don’t clone, create a landing page for your own idea!
3. Advanced Tier-1s — Clone the basic functionality of Momentum
2 Tier-2 members are around the intermediate projects area 1. Clone Trello or build a Chrome Extension
2. Build something completely new!
3. Find a nonprofit and build something for them.
3 Tier-3 members are between the Advanced projects and
backend. For Tier-3, there is more room for flexibility
with choosing projects, as people here often have already
finished a Voyage Build-to-Learn project before and they
can confidently lead a team to success.
1. Build a full-stack application, aim to create value and/or impact
2. Build a bot
3. Find a nonprofit and build something for them.

For more details and examples check out Chingu Voyage-4 Team Projects Lineup