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9. Programming & Upgrading the Firmware (ESP32)

John edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 9 revisions

Upgrading the TCD Firmware

See this page for instructions on updating the firmware to the latest version.

Programming From Source

As of 10/1/21, the ESP32 comes programmed with the control board

First, download this repository. This can be done by downloading the Zip file, and extracting or opening in Github Desktop

If using the Arduino IDE:

  1. Navigate to the /Software/src folder
  2. Open timecircuits.ino
  3. You will be asked to create a folder - click yes, then Sketch > Show Sketch Folder, and copy the other files from Software/src into Software/src/timecircuits/
  4. If you don't already have the ESP32 Arduino framework installed:
    1. Go to File > Preferences
    2. Add the URL to Additional Boards Manager URLs
    3. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, then search for ESP32, and install the latest version by Espressif Systems
  5. Go to Tools > Manage Libraries
  6. Search and install the following libraries:
    1. ESP8266Spiram
    2. ArduinoJson

Compiling and uploading

  1. Make sure ESP32 Dev Module is selected under Tools > Board
  2. Connect the ESP32 to your computer via USB cable, and make sure the correct COM port is selected under Tools > Port
  3. Click the upload arrow in the upper left to compile and upload the software

To program the ESP32 that comes with the kit, you must hold down the IO0 (right button) on the module while "...." is displayed in the upload window.

If using PlatformIO/Visual Studio:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code if you haven't already.
  2. Install the PlatformIO IDE extension
  3. Make sure you have the Espressif 32 platform installed - Go to PIO Home (House icon in the lower left blue toolbar) > Platforms, and search for Espressif 32 - install it if necessary
  4. Open platformio.ini under /Software/src - this should open the project in PlatformIO
  5. Make sure your ESP32 Dev Module is connected to your computer via USB
  6. Change upload_port = to the COM port of the ESP32, if needed
  7. Compile and upload the software by clicking the right arrow in the bottom PlatformIO menu, or General > Upload from the left PlatformIO menu

To program the ESP32 that comes with the kit, you must hold down the IO0 (right button) on the module while "...." is displayed in the upload window.

If you get any compile errors, make sure that the proper library dependencies are loaded by referencing what is listed in the platformio.ini and going to PIO Home > Libraries

Uploading the sounds

See here for details on installing the audio data.