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Florian Stober edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

Expressions are used at various places in the configuration of the plugin. So here's a definition of what is an expression:

Note on the semantic: The result of an expression can be a boolean value (true/ false), a number or a string. In most places the plugin requires a boolean result. If the expression does not give a boolean result, the result will be converted, i.e. a number will be converted to false if it is 0 and to true in all other cases, a string will be converted to true if it equals "true" all other strings will be converted to false.



  1. Any number is an expression, so the following are valid expressions. Examples:

  2. A string in double quotes is a valid expression. Examples:

    "Hello World"
  3. The boolean literals are true, false and all(same as true).


Any placeholder is a valid expression. See the full list of placeholders for more information.


${player name}
${viewer uuid}
${playerset:global size}
${server:lobby online}
${viewer server tps}

Binary Operators

<Expression> <Binary Operator> <Expression> is a valid expression. The following binary operators are available:

Operator Semantic
and Evaluates to true only if both operands evaluate to true.
or Evaluates to true if at least one of the operands evaluate to true.
== Tests the operands for equality.
!= true if the operands are not equal, false otherwise.
< Compares two numbers, true if the first operand is smaller than the second operand.
<= Compares two numbers, true if the first operand is smaller or equal the second operand.
> Compares two numbers, true if the first operand is greater than the second operand.
>= Compares two numbers, true if the first operand is greater or equal the second operand.
. Concatenates two strings.
+ Adds two numbers.
- Subtracts one number from another.
* Multiplies two numbers.
/ Divides one number by another.


${viewer name} == "CodeCrafter47"
${viewer ping} <= 50 
50 < ${viewer ping} <= 150 
${viewer server} == "survival" and ${viewer world} == "world_nether"


( <Expression> ) is a valid expression. Parenthesis can be used to prevent ambiguities.


(${viewer server} == "survival" and ${viewer world} == "world_nether") or (${viewer group} == "Admin")


You can use ! to negate boolean expressions.


!${server:lobby online}
!(${viewer server} == "survival" and ${viewer world} == "world_nether")