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Nicknames and Prefixes

Florian Stober edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page explains how to configure your tab list such that nicknames and prefixes show up. There are several options to choose from:

  • Use the display_name or tab_name to display the name is likely make nicknames and prefixes appear with the least effort. However, it largely depends on the configuration of your other Bukkit plugins.
  • Use a plugin specific placeholder to display the nickname, such as essentials_nickname.
  • Display the prefix from your permission plugin using the vault_prefix placeholder or a placeholder specific to your permission plugin.
  • Create a set of custom prefixes specific to the tab list.

The playerComponent option controls the appearance of player names on the tab list. You can find that option in the DYNAMIC_SIZE tab list as well as in all the components used to display players when using the FIXED_SIZE tab list.

The following is a very basic way to set the playerComponent option:

playerComponent: "${player name}"


Using display_name or tab_name

This is a simple as replacing ${player name} with ${player display_name} or ${player tab_name}. The display_name corresponds to Bukkits getDisplayName() and tab_name corresponds to getPlayerListName(). These are often set by other plugins.

The ${player display_name} is what is used in the chat. You should give that a try first. However, it sometimes includes long prefixes which are not suitable for the tab list. In that case you can try ${player tab_name}.

If ${player tab_name} does not show the nickname, check the configuration of your nickname plugin. E.g. Essentials has an option change-playerlist which needs to be enabled.

There is also ${player bungeecord_display_name} which can be set by BungeeCord plugins. However, there are few plugins using this, so unless you have a nickname plugin installed on BungeeCord, chances are this will not work.

Using a Plugin Specific Nickname Placeholder

You can use a plugin specific placeholder such as ${player essentials_nickname} to display the nick name.

However, the problem with ${player essentials_nickname} (and most other plugin specific nickname placeholders) is that it will display nothing if a player does not have a nickname. That means it is not suitable as a direct replacement for the ${player name} placeholder. We can fix that issue by creating a custom placeholder that displays the nickname if it exists and the normal player name otherwise:

  # ...
    condition: ${player essentials_nickname} != ""
    true: ${player essentials_nickname}
    false: ${player name}

Then we can replace ${player name} with ${player_name_or_nickname}.

Note: The ${player essentials_nickname} placeholder used in this example is a PlaceholderAPI placeholder. That means you need to install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge, PlaceholderAPI and the Essentials expansion on your Bukkit/ Spigot servers for it to work.

Additional Information:

Displaying the Prefix from a Permission Plugin

To display the prefix from your permission plugin add the ${player vault_prefix} placeholder before the ${player name} in the playerComponent option. You will end up with something similar to the following:

playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}"

Note: You need to install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge and Vault on your Bukkit/ Spigot servers for the ${player vault_prefix} placeholder to work.

As an alternative to ${player vault_prefix} you can use a prefix placeholder specific to your permission plugin such as ${player luckperms_prefix}. However, we recommend using the Vault placeholder unless you have specific reasons for using a different one.

Creating Custom Prefixes for the Tab List

To create custom prefixes we use a custom placeholder.

  # ...
    parameters: 1
    expression: ${%0 vault_primary_group}
      "admin": "&c[A]&f"
      "mod": "&b[M]&f"
      "vip": "&b[V]&f"
    defaultReplacement: "&7"

You can edit everything after replacements: to suit your needs. The lines immediately following after replacements: map a prefix to each group. On the left you write the group name, on the right the prefix. The defaultReplacement option is used to configure the prefix of players which do not have a prefix assigned using the replacements option.

To display the prefix add the ${custom_prefix player} placeholder before the ${player name} in the playerComponent option. You will end up with something similar to the following:

playerComponent: "${custom_prefix player}${player name}"

As a bonus this also create a ${custom_prefix viewer} placeholder that can be used anywhere in the tab list to display the prefix of the player looking at the tab list.

Note: We used the vault_primary_group placeholder which requires BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge and Vault to be installed on all Bukkit/ Spigot servers.

As an alternative to vault_primary_group you can use a placeholder specific to your permission plugin such as luckperms_primary_group. However, we recommend using the Vault placeholder unless you have specific reasons for using a different one.

Additional Information: