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Header and Footer

Florian Stober edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

The following options in the tab list configuration file control the appearance of the header and footer of the tab list:

  • showHeaderFooter

    The showHeaderFooter is used to enable or disable the header and footer. You may want to disable it if you are using a Bukkit plugin to provide the header and footer.

  • header and headerAnimationUpdateInterval

    The header and headerAnimationUpdateInterval options control the appearance of the header. The header option controls the text that is displayed. The headerAnimationUpdateInterval option selects the interval (in seconds) at which the header animation switches to the next line. If you do not have an animation in the header you can remove the headerAnimationUpdateInterval option from your tab list configuration file.

    You can use legacy formatting codes using the § or the & sign. Have a look at the Text Format page to learn about all options for selecting color, formatting and fonts. You can display information using placeholders. When using a player-bound placeholder you must use the viewer variant of that placeholder.

    The following examples show how those two options can be used to configure the header:

    Single Line, Non Animated Header
    header: "&cWelcome &f${viewer name}"
    Multi Line, Non Animated Header
    header: |-
      &cWelcome &f${viewer name}
      &7Total players:&f ${playerset:all_players size}
      &f&nPowered by BungeeTabListPlus
    Single Line, Animated Header
    - "&cWelcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eW&celcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWe&clcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWel&ccome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWelc&come &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWelco&cme &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWelcom&ce &f${viewer name}"
    - "&eWelcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cW&eelcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWe&elcome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWel&ecome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWelc&eome &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWelco&eme &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWelcom&ee &f${viewer name}"
    - "&cWelcome &f${viewer name}"
    headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 0.2
    Multi Line, Animated Header
    - |-
      &6Line 1
      &eLine 2
    - |-
      &eLine 1
      &6Line 2
    headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 0.5
  • footer and footerAnimationUpdateInterval

    The footer and footerAnimationUpdateInterval options control the appearance of the footer. Those two options work the same way for configuring the footer as the header and headerAnimationUpdateInterval options work for configuring the header.

Next: Dynamic Size Tab List