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CodeCrafter47 edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

This page provides an overview of the available configuration files and directories. It explains what is configured in which file.


Directory Structure

On the first startup the plugin creates the default configuration. It consists of a config file (config.yml) as well as the tabLists/ and heads/ directories.

  • config.yml:

    Global configuration file containing different useful settings that can be used within the different tab lists. Please check the Global Configuration page for more information.

  • tabLists/

    Here are the files for configuring the actual look of the tab list. By default there is only one file called default.yml. You can however create more files to provide different tab lists to players depending on several conditions (e.g. the players server or permission group).

    If you have more than one .yml file in the tabLists directory the plugin will use the showTo and priority options inside the .yml files to decide which tab list a player sees.

  • heads/

    This is the location of image files which can be used as icons in the tab list. You can add custom icons if you like. The files must be in the png format and have a size of 8x8 pixel.

    This folder contains custom textures that can be used as icons in the tab list. You can create new sub-folders add as many images as you like, but keep the following things in mind:

    • New textures need a few minutes to load before being usable.
    • The image needs to be a .png file and with the size of 8x8 pixels.

Tab List Configuration

A tab list configuration file is a .yml file in the tabLists/ directory. It is used to configure the layout and content of the tab list. On a fresh installation the tabLists/ directory contains one file called default.yml.

It is possible to create multiple tab list layouts by creating multiple tab list configuration files in the tabLists directory. This allows you to e.g. display a different tab list to admins or to players on a particular server.

Each tab list configuration file can be of one of two different types: FIXED_SIZE or DYNAMIC_SIZE.

When using the FIXED_SIZE type, the number of slots must be specified in advance. The DYNAMIC_SIZE tab list type adapts the number of slots to the amount of players online. The big advantage of the FIXED_SIZE tab list type is that it allows for custom text slots.

The following image illustrates the difference.


As a result of having two different tab list types, some config options are available independent of the tab list type, whereas other options are only available when using one of the tab list types.

Type independent options

  • showTo and priority

    These options decide which tab list each player should see if you have more than one tab list configuration file.

    The showTo option is a predicate used to decide whether a player can see the tab list. You can use placeholders and compare them using e.g. =, < or > to create the predicate.

    If no tab list configuration file can be shown to a player according to the showTo predicate, then he will see the vanilla tab list.

    If there are multiple tab lists which can be shown to a player according to the showTo predicate, the plugin selects the tab list with the larger priority. So if you create a tab list visible only on a specific server, you should give a higher priority (larger number) than the default tab list (default.yml) which is typically visible to all players.


    The default.yml sets these options to the following values:

    showTo: all
    priority: 0

    A tab list that is visible only to players on the survival server might use the following values:

    showTo: ${viewer server} = "survival"
    priority: 10

    A tab list that is visible only on some servers, e.g. the survival, plotworld and creative servers:

    showTo: |
      ${viewer server} = "survival"
      or ${viewer server} = "plotworld"
      or ${viewer server} = "creative"
    priority: 10

    You want a different tab list for staff. This can be achieved by giving all staff members a specific permission. e.g. tablist.staff and checking that permission in the showTo predicate:

    showTo: ${viewer permission tablist.staff}
    priority: 10
  • showHeaderFooter, header, footer, headerAnimationUpdateInterval and footerAnimationUpdateInterval

    These are used to configure the header and footer of the tab list.

    The showHeaderFooter can be used to enable/ disable the header and footer provided by BungeeTabListPlus. E.g. if you want to use a different plugin for the header and footer you can disable that functionality in BungeeTabListPlus by setting showHeaderFooter to false.

    How to configure the header and footer is explained on the Header and Footer page.

  • hiddenPlayers

    The hiddenPlayers changes who can see hidden players. The following options are available:

    Value Description
    VISIBLE Hidden players are shown on the tab list.
    VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS Players with the bungeetablistplus.seevanished permission can see hidden players. This is the default.
    INVISIBLE Hidden players do not appear on the tab list.

    If this option is not present in your tab list configuration file, just add the following line:

    hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS

    Checkout the Hidden Players wiki page for more information.

  • customPlaceholders

    The custom placeholders feature allows you to create your own placeholders. It can be used to create custom prefixes, animations and much more. Check out the Custom Placeholders wiki page.

  • playerSets

    A player set is a named subset of your players. The plugin uses player sets to display players and player counts in the tab list. How to create and use player sets is discussed on the Player Sets wiki page.

  • longText

    The longText option decides what happens to text that is too long to fit a slot of the tab list. The following table shows the different values you can use for the longText option:

    Value Result

    If the longText option is not present in your tab list configuration file, you can add it yourself. E.g. by aadding the following line:

    longText: CROP_2DOTS
  • type

    The type option decides on the tab list type. It can be set to


    Depending on which one you choose different type specific config options will be available.

Type Specific Options

The type specific options are discussed on the Dynamic Size Tab List and Fixed Size Tab List wiki pages.

Next: Player Sets