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Background knowledge for Bayesian Statistics and Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Jaewon Chung edited this page Jan 29, 2019 · 4 revisions


Prior probability

The prior probability distribution of an uncertain quantity is the probability distribution about that quantity before some evidence is taken into account. This is often expressed as $$p(\theta)$$.

Posterior probability

The posterior probability of a random event is the conditional probability that is assigned after relevant evidence is taken into account. This is often expressed as $$p(\theta | X)$$. The prior and posterior probabilities are related by the Bayes' Theorem as follows:

$$p(\theta | x) = \frac{p(x|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(x)}$$

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

MLE is a method of estimating the parameters of a statistical model, given observations. This is done by finding the parameters that maximizes the likelihood function; by selecting the parameters that make the observed data most probable. We can formulate this problem as follows:

$$\theta^* \in {\underset{\theta}{\text{argmax}} \mathcal{L}(\theta;x)}$$

where $$\theta$$ is the model parameters and $$x$$ is the observed data.

We often use the average log-likelihood function

$$\hat{\mathcal{l}}(\theta;x) = \frac{1}{n} \log \mathcal{L}(\theta;x)$$

since it has preferable qualities. One of this is illustrated later in this document.

Machine Learning in the MLE perspective


A traditional machine learning model for classification is visualized as the above: we receive an input image $$x$$ and our model calculates $$f_\theta (x)$$, which is a vector denoting the probability for each class. Then based on our label, we calculate the loss function, which is then optimized using gradient descent. Now, let us view this in a maximum likelihood perspective.


Now, when we create an ML model, we choose a statistical model that our output may follow. Then, our ML model function calculates the parameters of that statistical model. For example, let us assume that our output $$y$$ is one dimensional and has a Gaussian distribution. Then we set $$f_\theta(x)$$ to a two-dimensional vector and interpret it as

$$f_\theta(x) =\begin{bmatrix}\mu\\sigma\end{bmatrix}$$.

Thus for each input $$x$$ we obtain a Gaussian distribution for $$y$$. Using negative log-likelihood, our optimization problem is the following:

$$\theta^* = \underset{\theta}{\text{argmin}}[-\log p(y|f_\theta(x))]$$

If we assume that our inputs are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d), we can obtain the following:

$$p(y|f_\theta(x)) = \prod_i p(y_i|f_\theta(x_i))$$

Rewriting our optimization problem:

$$\theta^* = \underset{\theta}{\text{argmin}}[-\sum_i\log p(y_i|f_\theta(x_i))]$$

When we perform inference from our model, we no longer get determined outputs as we did in traditional machine learning models. We now get a distribution of $$y_\text{new}$$,

$$y_\text{new} \sim f_{\theta^*}(x_\text{new})$$

where we should sample a single $$y_\text{new}$$.

Loss Functions in the MLE perspective

Two famous loss functions, mean square error and cross-entropy error, can be derived using the MLE perspective.

Loss_functions_MLE (