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Claycorp edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 1 revision

Entity is the simplified version of CustomEntity. Entities are all around you always they include mobs, paintings, dropped items, blocks that fall, anything thrown, tossed or shot, minecarts and primed TNT.
It is impossible to list everything because so many things are apart of this category please use the built in drop down box for a full list.

How to make this reward.

####1. Pick an Entity from the EntityName list. ####2. Pick how the entity will "Agro".

  • Not agro - Will not start attacking a specified person. It will however pick someone after it is spawned.
  • Agro - Will only attack the person it was spawned on until they die/disconnect.
  • Random agro - Randomly picks a player or other mob to attack.

####3. Pick the randomization of the mob. NOTE: This only affects mobs that different sizes and colors.

  • Don't randomize mob - Spawns the mob exactly the same.
  • Randomize mob - Spawns a randomized mob.
  • Randomly randomize mob - Randomly picks if the mob is randomized or not.

####4. Pick if you are forced to "ride" the entity that is spawned.

  • Ride this mob - Alway places you on the entity.
  • Don't ride this mob - Never ride this entity.
  • Randomly ride this mob - Randomly ride the entity.

####5. Give the entity a name.
NOTE: This is displayed above the entity and can be left blank.
####6. Set the Spawn radius for this reward only. ####7. Set the amount of entities to be spawned.
This will spawn one sheep that is named Claycorp and is white.
![] ( ###JSON breakdown:


Spawnraidus is the amount of blocks in a circle that the entity can spawn.

"name": "STRING:"

Name of the entity to be spawned.
NOTE: Use the entity list or the drop down menu to get names. They must EXACTLY match.

"agro": "BYTE:"

Angers the mob.

"random": "BYTE:"

Behaves like a spawn egg and allows for randomizing size/color of mobs if possible.

"RideThisMob": "BYTE:"

Forces you to mount the mob.

"throwTowardsPlayer": "BYTE:"

Throws things at the player.

"CustomName": "STRING:"

Names the mob.


Amount of this mob that will be spawned.
CRASH/LAG WARNING: Spawning too many mobs can lag or crash the client or server.